
2016/06/14 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  non-causal relationship 非因果幹系邏輯毛病

  1. correlation mistaken for causasion將相幹性當成因果幹系: the argument depends on an umprovencause-and-effect relationship between...and...The reason for ...mighthave nothing to do with either,,,or ,,,For instance..For that matter...Withoutruling out these and other alternative explanations for... the author cannotreasonably conclude that... will have any effect on that cause(for that matter:used to add a comment on sth that you have just said eg: Ididn't like it much.Nor did the kids, for that matter.)

  2. post hoc ergo propter hoc後此不對: The authorassumes that... cause...The line of reasoning is that because...before..., theformer event caused the latter. But this is fallacious reasoningunless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out.For example, perhaps...Or perhaps... Yet another possibility is that...

  3. confuse the cause and effect混雜因果幹系:It is possiblethat the mayor has confused cause with effectrespecting...Perhaps...Since...has failed to account for this possibility, theclaim completely umfounded. Some other possible causes of... alsoshould not be ignored. Without ruling out these and other alternativeexplanations for... cannot reasonably infer based on those trends that...

  4. causal oversimplification因果幹系簡化

  the fallacy of analogy and comparison 比擬與類比邏輯毛病

  1. the fallacy of faulty analogy毛病類比:It is highlydoubtful that the facts drawn from..are applicable to...Differeces betwee thetwo industries clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy lessthan valid. For example, problems of... all affect...but are virtually absentin...Perhaps such these might present insurmountable obstaclesthat prevent.... (insurmountable: of difficulties, problems, that cannt bedealt with successfully)

  2. incomplete or sellective comparison不完全比擬或選取性比擬: The argument wasbased on the assumption that...However, we are not given enough informationabout the study to be sure that this comparison is reliable.

  problems concerning data 數據有關邏輯毛病

  1. the insufficient sample fallacy 不充足采樣毛病:(1)樣本作為團體的一個部門必需具備充足大的數目the based on too small a sample to be reliable;(2)樣本在相幹的特征方面必需具備團體的代表性 the only evidenceoffered in support of this conclusion is the fact that...Unless it can be shownthat... is typical of all... thae fact that... is not grounds for concludingtaht... will experience similar results/ the example cited, while suggestiveof... is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason tobelieve that data draw from... is representative of the entire...

  2. the biased-sample fallacy有偏采樣毛病:the survey methodology might beproblematic in two respects.(1)對查詢拜訪的回答必需是可托的、真正的、精確的,須要介入查詢拜訪的人包管不由於某些緣故原由而給出不完全大概虛偽的答復;(2)網絡數據的辦法必需公平,要防止在查詢拜訪中,對題目的答復不做硬性請求,大概題目的計劃使得介入者易於用某種特定的答復方法 in either event,the survey results would be unreliable for the purpose of drawing anyconclusions about...let alone about...

  (a)who conducted the survey? -the poll cited by the author isdescribed in the vaguest possible terms. The ad does not indicate who conductedthe poll, who respond, or how the poll was conducted. Unless these questionsare answered, the survey results are worthless as evidence for public opinionabout...

  (b)are the statistics misleadingly vague?

  (c)when was the survey conducted?

  sufficient evidence and necessary condition充足前提與需要前提邏輯毛病

  1. sufficient-condition problems 充足前提題目

  2. necessary-condision problems 需要前提題目

  3. sufficient and necessary conditionproblems 充要前提題目 In order todo A, B should do C...只有B做C,A能力實現;只要B做了C,A就必定能實現

  composition and division 團體與部門邏輯毛病

  1. what is true for a group is also true forany member 實用與團體的原則也實用於團體的任一個個別 while thisreasoing may be sound in a generl sense, the particular XXX involved in may notbe representative of XXX generally.

  2. what is true for a member is also true forthe group 對某個個別實用的器械對團體也實用 the most egregiousreasoning error in... is this region as the basis for a generalizationabout all...

  3. the fallacy of hastygeneralization/neglect of relevant evidence從幾個個別所具備的某個特征推出團體也具備這個特征(急於歸納綜合)

  assuming aa things remain unchanged overtime 假設全部的工作都是刻舟求劍類邏輯毛病

  1. past conditions remain unchanged in thepresent and future 曩昔的情形在本日和未來都堅持穩定 however, a recentone-year increase is insufficient evidence itself to convince me that thistrend will continue

  2. present conditons will remain unchanged inthe future 今朝情形在未來堅持穩定 the argumentassumes that relative supply conditions will remain unchanged over the next 20years. However...may fluctuate greatly over a long time period...Withoutconsidering other factors that contribute to...the firm cannot justify itsrecommendation.

  false dilemma/ either-or thinking/ the black-white fallacy 毛病的兩難地步類邏輯毛病

  the author assumes that reducing XXX and XXX are mutuallyexclusive alternatives. However, the author provides no reason for imposing aneither-or choice.


  1. failing to weighing the advantages anddisavantages thoroughly 斟酌題目不周全

  2. failing to define important terms 沒有限制主要詞語

  3. circular reasoning / tautology/ beggingthe question 輪回論證: 在原題闡述中,假如發明有主要假如沒有任何論據支撐,就能夠就其輪回論證的邏輯缺點睜開進擊

  4. drawing a conclusion that is too board indegree or scope 得出的結論在水平或規模上過於普遍

  5. relying on vague or ambiguous evidence 依附於含糊其詞的證據:要留意留心原闡述頂用some, many,several來取代詳細的百分比或數字之處

  6. arguing simultaneously for two competingobjectives 同時為兩個相對於立的目的爭辯:在某些文章中,作者偶然會試圖同時為兩個看起來互相對峙的目的爭辯,換句話說,假如作者想完成個中的一個目的,就會減小完成另外一個目的的大概性

  7. irrational appeals 無理號令:包含訴諸於威望或情緒

  8. ad hominem/ personal attack人身進擊

  9. straw argument 稻草人:建立一個易被進擊的靶子,疏忽真實的題目;大概強加一個作者沒有說起的易被進擊的題目

  10. false or questionable authority 毛病威望


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