
2016/06/15 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  GMAT瀏覽要點等於文章中最主要的信息,換句話說,便是作者的寫作目標,作者寫這篇文章便是為了轉達這一要點。考生讀完第一遍文章,就要斟酌文章的宗旨大意,並用它來肯定要點。GMAT瀏覽文章的要點大概會出如今文章中的任何一個地位,讀文章的時刻要切記:作者想要轉達的最主要的信息是甚麽,環繞要點的出題點有哪些等。  When Jamaican-born social activist Marcus Garvey came to the United States in 1916, he arrived at precisely the right historical moment. What made the moment right was the return of African American soldiers from the First World War in 1918, which created an ideal constituency for someone with Garvey's message of unity, pride, and improved conditions for African American communities.

  Hoping to participate in the traditional American ethos of individual success, many African American people entered the armed forces with enthusiasm, only to find themselves segregated from white troops and subjected to numerous indignities. They returned to a United States that was as segregated as it had been before the war. Considering similar experiences, anthropologist Anthony F. C. Wallace has argued that when a perceptible gap arises between a culture's expectations and the reality of that culture, the resulting tension can inspire a revitalization movement: an organized, conscious effort to construct a culture that fulfills longstanding expectations.

  Some scholars have argued that Garvey created the consciousness from which he built, in the 1920s, the largest revitalization movement in African American history. But such an argument only tends to obscure the consciousness of identity, strength, and sense of history that already existed in the African American community. Garvey did not create this consciousness; rather, he gave this consciousness its political expression.

  1. 生詞釋義:




  subjected to:遭遇,蒙受,閱歷







  2. 難句剖析:

  Hoping to participate in the traditional American ethos of individual success, many African American people entered the armed forces with enthusiasm, only to find themselves segregated from white troops and subjected to numerous indignities.

  句子骨幹:many African American people entered the armed forces…Hoping to做隨同狀語, only to …引誘成果狀語從句,背面是and銜接的兩個並列身分對賓語舉行潤飾。更多相幹內容請點擊》GMAT瀏覽備考三要素。

  3. 文章脈絡:

  第一段: 先容社會運動家Marcus Garvey1916年達到美國,其時美國的社會情況許可他轉達革命信息。

  第二段:對美國情況激發的活動舉行了說明,並援用人類學家Anthony F. C. Wallace的理論舉行解釋。

  第三段: 某些學者以為Marcus Garvey叫醒了人們的改革意識,但文章末了對此舉行了否認,並說明了緣故原由。

  4. 題目解答

  The passage suggests that many African American people responded to their experiences in the armed forces in which of the following ways?

  (A) They maintained as civilians their enthusiastic allegiance to the armed forces.

  (B) They questioned United States involvement in the First World War.

  (C) They joined political organizations to protest the segregation of African American troops and the indignities they suffered in the military.

  (D) They became aware of the gap between their expectations and the realities of American culture.

  (E) They repudiated Garvey’s message of pride and unity.


  (A) 文中提到非洲裔美國兵士閱歷了斷絕和在部隊裏收的淩辱,這下降了他們從軍的熱忱,但沒有提到其對軍隊的忠實。

  (B) 文中提到非洲裔美國人從軍的熱忱,然則沒有使他們轉變從軍的設法主意。

  (C) 文中沒有提到詳細的事宜證實非洲裔美國人加入了政治構造。

  (D) 準確,文中提到覺悟活動產生在一戰後的非洲裔美國人中,解釋他們已意想到了改良的情況和內部斷絕見得代溝。

  (E) 文中提到Garvey在美國掀起了大範圍的中興活動,非洲裔的美國人和兵士接收了Garvey的概念,而不是謝絕。



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