學俚語記單詞:neither here nor there

2016/06/27 瀏覽次數:18 收藏

  我特殊愛好去片子院看片子,但是偶然也會碰到一些不高興的工作。好比說上個周末,咱們背面坐的三個女孩子,從片子一開端就不可一世地談天。我厥後其實忍無可忍,轉頭請她們堅持寧靜,誰知個中一個女孩說,咱們但是比你先坐在這兒的,讓我啼笑皆非,由於英語裏說:neither here nor there.

  Neither here nor there這個習氣用語的意思是可有可無。我之以是這麽說,是由於在片子院裏堅持寧靜是最最少的規矩,先來後到實在其實不主要。


  例句-1:Our senator was found guilty of taking tax money to pay for his summer home. When confronted, he reminded reporters that he had been serving the citizens for over 40 years. That remark was neither here nor there; he'd broken the law! Did he think that he could divert our attention from his crime?


  這倒讓我想到一件可笑的工作。每次我老公做錯事,只要我嗓門輕微一升高,他立時就會誇我看上客歲輕英俊。What he's saying is neither here nor there. 他這麽解釋擺著便是在轉移視野,避重就輕。



  例句-2:My tour of duty is nearly over and my mom's busy planning my favorite meals. I really appreciate her thinking of me. But whatever she makes seems neither here nor there. It just isn't that important. What I care about is being home with my family again.



  說到年事,neither here nor there,這個習氣用語最先湧現是在1583年。