
2016/06/29 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

  LONDON — Four days after a decisive vote to leavethe European Union, Britain was consumed onMonday with questions of when and how thecountry’s departure from the bloc will happen —and increasingly, of whether it will happen at all.


  The immediate outcome of Thursday’s referendumwas not the promised clarity but an epic politicalmuddle and a policy vacuum that invited more confusion and turmoil throughout the day inBritain, on the Continent and in the financial markets.


  Leaders on both sides of the Channel said there was no viable option but to move graduallytoward the withdrawal process. Yet the day’s developments did little to dispel the possibilitythat the crisis could drag on for a long time, possibly generating enough economic and politicaldamage to encourage negotiation of a new arrangement between Europe and Britain thatwould sidestep the need for a formal withdrawal or at least minimize its effects.


  Prime Minister David Cameron and leaders of the campaign to leave the bloc stuck to theirpositions that they would not move quickly to trigger formal talks on withdrawal, even asEuropean leaders turned up the pressure on Britain to get on with it.

  只管歐盟引導人開端對英國施壓,想讓他們行為起來,但英國輔弼戴維·卡梅倫(David Cameron)和脫歐活動的引導人都保持本身的態度,傳播鼓吹他們不會敏捷采用行為,觸發正式的脫歐談判。

  Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany met in Berlin late Monday with her French and Italiancounterparts. She signaled that any decision on how to negotiate a withdrawal would have toawait a meeting of all 28 EU countries on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels.

  周一晚間,德國總理安格拉·默克爾(Angela Merkel)在柏林與法國和意大利同業會見。她表現,關於英國脫歐會談的任何決議,都要比及歐盟全體28個成員國於周二和周三在布魯塞爾召開集會時做出。

  The financial markets continued to pummel stocks and the value of the British pound, at onepoint sending the currency to its lowest level against the dollar in more than three decades. AndStandard & Poor’s, the ratings agency, downgraded Britain’s credit rating, reflectingconcern about the economic implications of the so-called Brexit vote.

  在金融市場上,股票和英鎊持續下挫,一度跌到30年來英鎊對美元匯率的最低程度。評級機構尺度普爾(Standard & Poor’s)也下調了英國的信譽評級,表現了對脫歐公投成果帶來的經濟影響的擔憂。

  Cameron has announced that he will step down, and both his governing Conservative Partyand the opposition Labour Party were consumed by internal warfare on Monday, leaving thecountry lacking strong leadership as it confronted new demands for a referendum onindependence for Scotland.

  卡梅倫宣告他將告退。他地點的在朝黨守舊黨(Conservative Party)和否決黨工黨(Labour Party)周一都墮入了內部爭辯,致使該國在面對蘇格蘭再次請求自力公投的時刻,缺少強有力的引導力。

  Leaders of the Leave campaign, including Boris Johnson, the former London mayor who is nowa leading candidate to succeed Cameron, notably modulated their tone and some of theirpositions on Europe, leaving unclear exactly what issues they want to address through awithdrawal.

  脫歐活動的引導者,包含倫敦前市長、呼聲最高的卡梅倫繼任候選人之一鮑裏斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)在內,顯著調劑了他們的語氣和對歐洲的部門態度,致使眾人不清晰他們到底想經由過程脫歐來辦理甚麽題目。

  In the first meeting of Parliament since the referendum, Cameron said he considered the votebinding, though he reiterated that he would leave to his successor the decision to trigger theformal withdrawal process. “The decision must be accepted and the process of implementingthe decision in the best possible way must now begin,” he said.


  About three-quarters of lawmakers had supported remaining in the EU. A senior Conservativelawmaker, Kenneth Clarke, suggested that Parliament could override the referendum — whichis not, in the end, legally binding on the government — while a Labour legislator, David Lammy,called for a second referendum.

  約莫四分之三的議員支撐留在歐盟。資深守舊黨議員肯尼斯·克拉克(Kenneth Clarke)以為議會可以顛覆公投成果——畢竟來講,公投對當局不具備司法束縛力——而工黨議員戴維·拉米(David Lammy)號令舉行第二次公決。

  Cameron brushed such ideas aside, but he also made it clear that he would not be the one incharge of Britain’s messy divorce from Europe.


  The man who might be, Johnson, sought to calm nerves and markets with his first extensiveremarks on the way forward, setting out a position that seemed to de-emphasize elements ofwhat the Leave campaign had promised.


  He suggested that Britain should take its time before entering separation proceedings withBrussels, and he gave no details about when he would want to start the process. And thevision he sketched out — of a Britain that is still in a trading bloc with Europe — seemed at bestdifficult to achieve, since the price of membership in the single market has always been the twothings the Leave movement explicitly campaigned against: free movement of Europeancitizens across borders and contributions to the bloc’s operating budget.


  Cameron also suggested that the best outcome for Britain now would be a deal in which itretained access to the single market.


  But there were no signs that European leaders would let Britain off the hook so easily.Although Merkel has signaled a desire not to rush the process of negotiating Britishwithdrawal, most European governments are eager to take a tough line, wanting to make clearto any other nation that might contemplate leaving that there is considerable cost to doingso.


  The few countries that have been given access to the European free-trade zone without joiningthe EU — notably, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland — all contribute to the blocs budget andaccept the its bedrock principle of free movement of workers, the very issues that angered somany of the Britons who voted to leave.


  Meeting in Berlin, Merkel, President François Hollande of France and Prime Minister Matteo Renziof Italy said there would be no discussions, formal or informal, over Britain’s withdrawal untilit formally invokes Article 50, the provision in the bloc’s governing treaty that sets out theprocess for a withdrawal.

  在柏林會見時,默克爾、法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德(François Hollande)和意大利總理馬泰奧·倫齊(MatteoRenzi)表現,不會就英國的退出舉行正式或非正式的評論辯論,除非英國正式啟用範例歐盟事件的合同中的第50條。該條目劃定了退出歐盟的法式。

  European leaders are troubled by the prospect of a drawn-out exit inducing deeper financialand economic turmoil, a concern increasingly prevalent in London as well. On Monday morning,George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, tried to calm the markets, citing Britain’sunderlying economic strengths, the greater resilience of its financial system after the 2007-08 crisis, and the readiness of the Bank of England to step in.

  歐洲引導人擔憂,漫長的退出進程大概會激發更深條理的金融和經濟動蕩。在倫敦,對這個題目的擔心也日趨廣泛。周一上午,英國財務大臣喬治·奧斯本(George Osborne)試圖穩固市場情感,提到了英國內涵的經濟氣力,稱英國金融系統在閱歷2007至2008年的危急時相對於堅固,而且英格蘭銀行(Bank of England)已預備好參與。

  Markets plunged anyway.


  Alex Salmond, a member of Parliament and a former leader of the Scottish National Party,blamed the British government for the political vacuum, saying that neither Cameron norJohnson had taken ownership of the mess. “If you break it, you own it,” he said.

  下院議員、蘇格蘭民族黨(Scottish National Party)前引導人亞歷克斯·薩爾蒙德(Alex Salmond)責備是英國當局造成為了政治真空,稱卡梅倫和約翰遜均未能為當下的淩亂局勢賣力。“假如你沖破它,就得賣力,”他說。

  Cameron summoned his Cabinet and announced the creation of a policy unit of the “best andbrightest” civil servants — overseen by Oliver Letwin, a Conservative lawmaker — to orchestratethe withdrawal process. He also said he had met with Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland toensure that a British departure from the EU, of which Ireland is a member, would notendanger the fragile peace in Northern Ireland.

  卡梅倫召開內閣集會,宣告建立了一個由“最優良和最明智”的公職職員構成的政策小組——由守舊黨議員奧利弗·萊特文(Oliver Letwin)擔負組長——支配退出過程。他還表現本身已同歐盟成員國愛爾蘭的總理恩達·肯尼(Enda Kenny)舉辦了見面,確保英國退出歐盟不會危及北愛爾蘭軟弱的寧靜。

  A committee of rank-and-file Conservative lawmakers met on Monday and proposed a timetableto select two candidates for party leader. The party’s roughly 150,000 members would choosebetween the two, with the goal of selecting a new leader — and therefore a new prime minister— by Sept. 2.


  A decision on the timetable is expected by Wednesday, amid increased speculation thatBritain could have a general election this year, after giving the Conservatives a five-year term inMay 2015.


  Johnson is seen as the front-runner to replace Cameron as leader of the Conservatives, buthe has made many enemies. The home secretary, Theresa May, who is in charge of domesticsecurity and who advocated remaining in the EU, has emerged as perhaps the most crediblealternative.

  約翰遜被以為是代替卡梅倫擔負守舊黨首腦的熱點人選,但他結怨無數。其別人選中,賣力海內平安事件並主意留在歐盟的內政大臣特麗莎·梅(Theresa May)的大概性大概是最大的。