學俚語記單詞:new blood

2016/06/29 瀏覽次數:9 收藏

  眾人萬萬不要誤解,我對傳統的事物其實不反感,可我同時又很愛好革故鼎新。就拿咱們的社區構造來講吧,每一年都是一樣的人,構造一樣的運動,只有老鄰人搬走,卻沒人想法把新鄰人吸引進來。這類局勢用咱們本日要學的習氣用語來形容恰到好處,叫:new blood.

  New Blood, 這個習氣用語指的是帶來活力和活氣的復活力氣。眾人留意聽下面這個例子,看看一家公司治理層的職員變更給公司到來了甚麽樣的影響。

  例句-1:When our manager passed away, his daughter took over the company. Many employees were afraid of some of the changes she might make. Yet it's because of her ideas and energy that we've been able to adjust to today's economy. Frankly, she's exactly the kind of new blood we needed to become profitable again.


  許多人都以為,攔阻變更最大的停滯來自老一代。英語裏有句話叫, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. 老狗學不會新花招,意思是說老固執很難接收新穎事物。



  例句-2:President Obama came to Washington promising to take the U.S. in a different direction. His enthusiasm for addressing the problems of health care, energy and the economy represent bold thinking. He may be the new blood that will move our nation forward in these difficult times.



  你大概會問,new blood這個習氣用語是甚麽湧現的呢?我的研討表現,這類說法最先湧現於1853年,指的是輸血時用的“新的、新穎的”血液供應。眾人大概在瀏覽中碰到過fresh blood的說法,fresh blood可以跟new blood通用。是以我可以說,咱們社區構造須要一些fresh blood, 也能夠說奧巴馬總統大概恰好是面臨挑釁的美國所須要的fresh blood.