學俚語記單詞:moment of truth

2016/07/04 瀏覽次數:15 收藏


  這麽癥結時候在英語裏叫, moment of truth. Moment在中文裏是時候,truth在中文裏是本相。Moment of truth便是說終極得悉一件工作是不是會如願勝利的意思,特殊是指一件你投入了極大盡力的工作。

  下面例子裏這個高中生,正用迫切的心境期待 the moment of truth. 讓咱們一路聽聽看。

  例句-1:Algebra didn't come easy to me. But I knew I had to pass the class in order to graduate. Throughout the semester, I met my teacher after school for extra help and studied real hard for tests. My moment of truth came when my grades arrived. I got a B, which was good enough to earn my diploma!

  這個門生說:代數對我來講很難,然則我曉得,要想卒業,代數測驗就必定得合格。全部一個學期,我下課後都要找先生補習,為預備測驗做出了很大的盡力。測驗成就發下來的癥結時候到了,成果我患了個 B,讓我順遂過關,拿到了卒業證書。



  咱們上面談到的幾個例子,癥結時候moment of truth來到的時刻,成果都是使人滿足的。然則下面這個例句裏的小夥子,卻碰了一鼻子灰。讓咱們一路聽聽他的遭受。

  例句-2:I'd been going out with Kerry for months. We seemed to share similar interests and values. In my mind, she was the perfect woman for me. So I decided that the time had come to ask her if she'd marry me. It was the moment of truth; a day I'll never forget because she turned me down.


  Ouch! 太殘暴了。大概這個女孩子尚未做好安寧下來的預備。

  Moment of truth這個習氣用語實際上是從西班牙語翻譯過來的。美國有名作家海明威在1932年出書的小說《午後之死》裏第一次用到了這個習氣用語。現在,你又多控制了一個習氣用語,可以把它用在口頭、寫作和電子郵件裏。只要多學多練,you're sure to sound like a native when your moment of truth arrives. 到了癥結時候,你的英語聽上去絕對隧道。