學俚語記單詞:squared away

2016/07/06 瀏覽次數:7 收藏

  下個月我要跟老公一路去加勒比海坐奢華遊輪,我如今是翹首以待,終究可以臨時逃離華盛頓的寒冷,奔往陽光和海水了。但是讓人頭疼的是,動身前有太多的工作須要處置,包含完成手頭的項目,付好全部賬單,租車開到佛羅裏達去等等。這也讓我想起一個習氣用語可以跟眾人分享,那便是:square away.

  眾人都曉得,square是正方形的意思。To square away意思是處置支配妥善。好比說,he is trying to get all his legal troubles squared away as soon as possible. 他努利巴全部司法上的貧苦搞定。

  就好象適才提到的,在出發前去佛羅裏達渡假以前,there is a lot you need to square away. 我有許多工作須要處置。


  例句-1:My job interview went so well that I was offered the job in Arizona. I would love to move away from the long cold winter weather here in New York. But it's not that easy. To begin with, I'd have to get out of my contract with my company, and then sell my condo. It's only after I square those away that I can focus on relocating.


  最少,這小我聽起來好象沒有拖家帶口,往來來往一身輕,說搬就能夠搬,不然,不說其余,就算只有個女同夥,也不是那末輕易就可以square away的。


  Square away這個習氣用語經常使用於被動語態。在接下來的例子中,一名老師長教師提出了以下發起。咱們一路聽:

  例句-2:Take my advice. Don't wait until you're old to organize your will. What if something tragic happened, such as a fatal accident? Without a legal document to explain your wishes after you die, your loved ones could suffer unnecessarily. Make sure your plans are squared away.



  我侄子那天開著新車來看我。他前一段時光一向怕申請不到貸款。現在看他開著新車,不消問就曉得,他必定是拿到了貸款。He must have managed to square away the financing.