
2015/04/13 瀏覽次數:14 收藏

  SAT語法真題中的句子改錯異常相似於托福語法中的改錯部門,即辨認一個句子傍邊四個下劃線裏語法有毛病的選項。不外SAT的語法與托福語法最大的差別在於,它另有第五個選項放在句後:NO ERROR,選取這個選項即以為這個句子沒有語法毛病。下面小編就為眾人先容一下常見SAT語法句子改錯題毛病。

  常見SAT語法句子改錯題毛病1、代詞指代毛病:代詞的性、數、格;比擬特殊考點是one 和you 不克不及互相指代。

  例:Even with(A) a calculator, you must have a basic understanding(B)of mathematics if oneexpects(C) to solve complex problems correctly. No error(E)

  剖析:本題第一個代詞是you,以是C錯,應改成you expect。由於one和you 不克不及相互指代


  例:The bright (A)fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B)critical acclaim notonly (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D)New York.

  剖析:本題明顯主語sculptures是個復數而謂語動詞has是個單數,以是主謂不同等,應當把B 改成havereceived


  例:Each time Caroline turns on her computers, she has(A) to enter a company code, thenher initials, and then enters a password (B)before she can begin working(C). No error(D)

  剖析:B enters a password 前面湧現了可愛的and,這個詞決議了先後必需是平行並列,請求情勢對稱、觀點對等、功效雷同。所曩昔面也應當有第三人稱單數動詞+名詞的構造和 enters a password並列,而前面湧現的是her initials以是準確改法:去掉enters,這類考題在海內高考也常常考,這個考點由於出題頻率特殊的高。


  例:Although(A) the new device was the most clever (B) designed bird feeder thatMs.Rodriguez had ever owned (C), it could not keep squirrels from(D)stealing the birdseed. Noerror(E)

  剖析:準確謎底是B 潤飾動詞designed 的用adv.cleverly


  例: Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied(A) for years, but(B) onlyrecently has(C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D)known. No error(E)

  剖析:準確謎底是C,本題考核的是倒裝由於only +狀語/狀從請求引發倒裝,而倒裝後真的主語是effects以是C應改成have


  Just how(A) critical an improved balance of trade is to(B) a healthy economy has neverbeen (C)more clearer(D) than it is now. No error(E)

  剖析:本題考點很簡略C more clearer應改成clearer




  preoccupation with take advantage of=make use of contrast with be involved in thinkabout use sth to do threaten to do take pride in result in/from prefer to protest againstinconsistent with manage to do listen to neither nor either or be more likely to do 等短語,這些短語都是在測驗過程當中高頻湧現的短語。
