學俚語學單詞:bed of roses

2015/05/21 瀏覽次數:1 收藏

  bed of roses 心滿意足的際遇

  bed眾人都熟,是床。Bed這個詞固然短小,然則在平常生存中卻很主要,由於人生的三分之一以上時光究竟得在床上渡過。Bed of roses,讓咱們想象一下,躺在用芬芳柔嫩的玫瑰花瓣鋪成的床上有何等賞心悅目。這的確是無尚的享受。

  bed of roses,這三百多年來也確切被人們用來比方心滿意足的際遇,然則比年來bed of roses卻更常和not大概no連用,成為否認情勢。


  咱們來看這段話,請特殊留意他話裏有no bed of roses:

  例句:My sister Irene works at a full time job and has two young sons to take care of when she gets home in the evening. Her husband Bob tries to help out, of course, but he just isn't too handy with kids. Believe me, her life these days is no bed of roses.


  這裏的no bed of roses明顯用來描寫這類日以繼夜、忙得焦頭爛額的狀態。