學俚語記單詞: whip hand

2015/07/10 瀏覽次數:10 收藏

  whip hand 指"掌握權"

  whip hand本來是指拿著鞭子趕車的人的手。他用鞭子批示馬匹快快趕路。換句話說,執鞭的手是控制掌握權的。固然習氣用語whip hand是用來作比方的。咱們來看個例子。 這段話說一個白叟不肯意落空當家作主、掌握後代的位置:

  例句:Old Mr. Lee put his son and daughter to work in the factory he owned but he never let them have any responsibility because he wanted to hold the whip hand over them as long as he lived.


  這裏的whip hand明顯控告制權。