
2015/08/04 瀏覽次數:24 收藏


  忠北大學建立於1951年9月27日,經由過程半個多世紀的沉澱,忠北大學在教導和研討範疇都獲得了廣泛承認,成了韓國重要的十所大學之一。如今忠北大學正在向天下一流大學的目的堅固進步。忠北大學每一年會吸收來自天下各地的留門生們,眾人最關懷的事之一也是留宿題目了。下面是出國留學頻道 abroad.hopetrip.com.hk 為眾人整頓的忠北大學宿舍詳情,供眾人參考。


  Housing 宿舍


  The CBNU Residence Halls are welfare facilities to provide a safe and inclusive living-learning community for students from other regions. The CBNU Residence Halls have been developed since built in 1984 for the first time.

  The CBNU Residence Halls are located in three different areas and each is comprised of 2~4 separate buildings, with beautiful trees and fully-furnished rooms to make your experience the best possible!


  CBNU 宿舍是為來自其他地域的門生供給一個平安和具備包涵性的進修生存社區。CBNU 宿舍始建於1984年,隨後一向在賡續成長。

  CBNU 宿舍有三個分歧的宿舍區,每一個宿舍區都有 2 ~ 4 棟自力的宿舍樓,被俏麗的樹圍繞著,房間家具齊備,讓你有最佳的留宿感受!

  Residence Halls

Devision Men Women Total
Main building Gae Seong Jae 323 240 563
Gye Young Won - 392 392
Subtotal 323 632 955
Yang Seong Jae (BTL*) stack 5 963 643 1,606
Yang Hyeon Jae (for foreign students)   80 74 154


地區 男生宿舍 女士宿舍 合計
主樓 開成濟 323 240 563
桂芙苑 - 392 392
小計 323 632 955
養性齋(BTL*) 5號 963 643 1,606
養賢齋 (外國粹生宿舍)   80 74 154


  Every room is double occupancy with internet access, a phone, two beds, a central air conditioner, and a fire prevention system. Each building has water purifiers, a dining room, showers and toilets, a coin laundry room, and a fitness center.


  每間宿舍都是雙人世,有互聯網、 一台手機、 兩張床,中心空調,消防體系。每棟宿舍有清水器、 餐館、 浴室和茅廁、 一間投幣式洗衣室和一間健身中間。

  Admission deadline

  For the 1st semester: The end of January

  For the 2nd semester: The end of July

  Please do not hesitate to contact the staff in our three central offices should you have any questions. For information about your housing contract, please visit http://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr. Contact phone numbers and an e-mail address are shown below.


  第一學期: 1 月尾

  第二學期: 7 月尾

