
2015/08/14 瀏覽次數:15 收藏

  8月14日CNN聽力:福島慘重教導 核災害釀成的緊張影響

  Just the facts: on April 26, 1986, there was anexplosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station inwhat was then the Soviet Union.

  About 30 people were killed in the blast, and thenuclear radiation spread across borders.

  Hundreds of thousands had to be evacuated, forestsand farms were contaminated.

  People and animals became sick or contracted cancer in the years that followed.

  It was the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power.

  A nearby town in what is now part of Ukraine was abandoned.

  Just under 50,000 people had to evacuate their homes.

  30 years later, it's a ghost town, with rotting Soviet-era houses, factories, parks and gyms.

  There's another place like it.

  Fukushima, Japan where an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 caused the world second worstnuclear disaster.

  It left a more modern town completely empty, but quick visits are giving glimpses of the past.

  The first thing people ask about, is the radiation.

  Is it even safe to go in when most are kept out?

  Our local government tour guide says contamination levels are low.

  Allowing quick trips into the safer parts of Fukushima prefecture, still empty from the worstnuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

  Nearly four years later, outsiders were getting a rare look at this desolate, abandoned place.

  Damage from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami sits untouched.

  Crumbling buildings are falling further into disrepair.

  Weeds are slowly taken over.

  What do they say when they see it for the first time?
