
2015/08/17 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

  ACT previously announced enhancements to the ACT test beginning in September 2015 that includemodifications to the writing test and the inclusion of new readiness scores andindicators. These enhancements will require minor modification to the ACT scorereports.






  Intelligent Machines

  Many of the goods and services we depend on daily are now supplied byintelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars andother goods on assembly lines, where once there were human workers. Many of ourphone conversations are now conducted not with people but with sophisticatedtechnologies. We can now buy goods at a variety of stores without the help of ahuman cashier. Automation is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what islost when we replace humans with machines? Given the accelerating variety andprevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications andmeaning of their presence in our lives.

  Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particularway of thinking about the increasing presence of intelligent machines.

  Essay Task

  Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multipleperspectives on the increasing presence of intelligent machines. In your essay,be sure to:

  • analyze and evaluate the perspectives given

  • state and develop your own perspective on the issue

  • explain the relationship between your perspective andthose given

  Yourperspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partialagreement, or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas withlogical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.


  起首,作文範例沒有產生變更,照樣persuasive essay,請求照樣“state and develop your own perspective on the issue”(2015版樣題);詞數呢?以往請求500詞上下,此次官方給出的6分新樣題字數536詞,5分新樣題字數563詞,以是說同窗們,想拿寫作高分,詞數請求照樣根本穩定,寫500詞上下吧!

  看到這裏有的同窗樂了,既然詞數沒變,時光還延伸10分鐘,呵呵!呵呵,命題人材不辣麽傻, OG對其的說明是The 40 minutes’ test is designed so that the prompts can be properly answered inthe time allowed.這解釋ACT的寫作命題方法和請求也變龐雜了,以是咱們的ACT寫作課會重點帶眾人演習新題型的審題,並配以先生經心預備的新題型模仿題。


  起首,你們肉眼必定直觀發明,新版樣題給了三個perspective!個中,一個偏against,別的兩個偏for.但是有幾個支撐幾個否決不是重點,重點在essay task新增了一個請求叫explain the relationshipbetween your perspective and those given. 同窗們有無剎時有一種“帶著枷鎖舞蹈”的感到?沒錯!

  接下來要說的話異常主要,請同窗們賣力讀三遍!讀三遍!讀三遍!新版ACT的prompt請求你不只要有本身的態度(這個態度可以和任何一個perspective雷同,不完整雷同大概和全部perspective 都分歧),還要在文中對全部perspective的概念全體舉行評價。這類評價即和你本身的態度接洽起來,三個perspective中某些大概便是你的counterargument,而另外一些則是或部門是和你態度雷同的,你只需論證其公道性便可。




  起首,評分尺度釀成了寫作總分1-36分,除給出總分,另有四個分值在2-12分的寫作單項分,這四個單項分離是Ideasand Analysis, Development and Support, Organization ,Language Use andConventions同窗們是否是有點熟習呢?沒錯,所謂的單項評分尺度,只不外是對以往對ACT寫作須具備的四概略素的每要素給出分值,斷定你在這方面寫作才能到達甚麽水平,也便是說,加倍細化量化了你的某一方面的寫作才能啦。


  Taking the ACT with writing will provide you and theschools to which you have ACT report scores with additional scores.When you take the writing test, you'll receive a writing test score on a scale of 1-36 andfour writing domain scores(Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, and Language Useand Conventions), each scored on a scale of 2-12. An image of your essay willbe available to your high school and the colleges to which you have ACT reportyour scores from that test date.

  Taking the writingtest does not affect your subject area scores or your Composite score. However, without a writing test score, no EnglishLanguage Arts (ELA) score will be reported.

  Two trainedreaders will score your essay on a scale of 1-6 in each of the four writingdomains. Each domain scorerepresents the sum of the two readers' scores. If the readers' ratings disagreeby more than one point, a third reader will evaluate the essay and resolve thediscrepancy. Your writing score is calculated from your domain scores and isreported on a scale of 1-36. Your domain scores do not necessarily add up toyour reported writing score.

  咱們可以看出,ACT作文的分數由以前的滿分12分,釀成了如今的36分。而且評分人會從四個維度(Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support,Organization, and Language Use and Conventions) 聯合作文給出1-12分。

