
2015/08/19 瀏覽次數:27 收藏

  8月19日CNN聽力:美國或消除商用無人機禁令 收羅大眾看法

  If you have a model airplane, you don't needpermission from the Federal Aviation Administrationto fly it.

  As long as you are using it for recreation.

  But let's say you have a drone, and you want to useit for commercial or business reasons.

  That needs to go through the FAA regardless ofwhere you are or how high you fly it.

  The laws, though, are still being written.

  Technology always outpaces the law, and the law will always struggle to catch up to technology.

  And when it comes to drones, those little flying devices, while we are still waiting on regulationsregarding commercial use.

  And we'd better hurry, because in just a few years, these things are going to be buzzingaround everywhere.

  That's why as a lawyer, I'm getting into the drone law business.

  Just think about the liability alone.

  What if your drone crashes into somebody on the street?

  What if your drone crashes into another drone?

  And who should be allowed to even fly these drones?

  What if your driver's license is suspended?

  Can we really trust you with a flying device, if we can't even trust you with a car?

  Think about aviation law?

  How close should a drone be allowed to an airport?

  How about an office building? What if you own an airplane?

  Do you really want a drone doing a flyby?

  And think about the law of trespassing.
