
2015/08/27 瀏覽次數:15 收藏


  Reading Passage:

  Was Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) a great composer? On its face, the question seems absurd. One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his first masterpiece at sixteen. From then on, he was recognized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor. But Mendelssohn’s enduring popularity has often been at odds — sometimes quite sharply — with his critical standing. Despite general acknowledgment of his genius, there has been a noticeable reluctance to rank him with, say, Schumann or Brahms. As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a “minor master . . . working on a small scale of emotion and texture.”


  Select a sentence in the passage whose function is to indicate the range of Mendelssohn’s musical talents.


  這是現行的GRE瀏覽測驗中剛開端考的一種新題型:選取句子題。GRE瀏覽的標題是沒有次序性原則的,以是第一題所問的信息有大概在文章的任何一個地位湧現。簡略懂得一下標題,咱們不難發明,這裏所要探求的句子是要表示Mendelssohn的音樂稟賦的規模,很顯著應當是出如今正面評價的部門,以是咱們的征采目的應當會合於首句以後和But以前。然後咱們可以定位到“From then on, he was recognized as an artist of preternatural abilities, ...”。在機考時,考生只要點選到“not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor”一句中的任何一個詞,盤算機遇主動塗黑這個句子。
