
2015/09/22 瀏覽次數:10 收藏

  在科學推理這部門中,獲得最佳的分數的人不必定是那些最懂得配景的人,而是最佳的懂得文中信息和基於這些信息對選項做出嚴厲斷定和推理的人。接下來留學ACT測驗頻道就以Official Guide 傍邊的一篇文章及附帶的6個題目為例,扼要作一個剖析,旨在讓門生清晰地懂得科學推理題目標根本解題思緒。

  Three studies were conducted to examine the relation shop between ants and acacia trees they inhabit.

  解題的第一步起首是審題。第一步便是要讀最前邊的一段闡述性筆墨,在這一步調中,重點存眷這篇文章的主體,也便是重要研討工具,這裏固然也便是ants and acacia trees they inhabit。

  Study 1

  Table 1 shows the results of a comparison between a species of acacia tree that is inhabited by ants (ant trees) and a species that is not inhabited by ants (non-ant trees).


  Study 2

  Table 2 shows the results of a comparison between acacia ant and a closely related ant species that does not inhabit acacia trees.


  Study 3

  Acacia trees were divided into three groups. Acacia ants were removed from the trees in group A, but were left on the trees in Group B. Group C consisted of a species of non-ant acacia tree. All the trees were initially healthy and of similar size, the number of trees still alive in each group 300 days after the start of the study is shown in Table 3


  Trees in Group A were killed by plant-eating insects and large mammals that ate the leaves on lower branches. There was no evidence that trees in Groups B and C were killed by grazing animals.

  18. How is the designs of study 1 different from the design of study 2?

  F. In study 1, acacia ants were removed from acacia trees, but not in Study 2.

  G. in study 1, plant characteristics were examined, while in Study 2, ant characteristics were examined.

  H. In study 1, acacia ants were examined, while in Study 2, non-acacia ants were examined.

  J. In study 2, ant characteristics were examined, while in Study 2, plant characteristics were examined.


  19. On the basis of the experimental results, one can generalize that which of the following characteristics protects non-ant acacias from being eaten by insects or grazing animals?

  A. Bitter-tasting chemicals

  B. Protein bodies

  C. Extrafloral nectaries

  D. Specialized hollow thorns

  19題,問是甚麽使non-ant acacias免於動物的啃噬,經由視察表格發明,B.C.D.選項,在non-ant acacias上都未曾湧現,那末它們必定不克不及是造成這一征象的緣故原由,準確謎底是(A) Bitter-tasting chemicals


  20. From the results of Study 2 the researchers would hypothesize that the ground surrounding the ant acacia trees was bare of vegetation because the:

  F. acacia ants killed the plants growing near the ant acacia trees.

  G. acacia ants killed the plants growing near the non-ant acacia trees.

  H. non-acacia ants killed the plants growing near the non-ant acacia trees.

  J. non-acacia ants killed the ant acacia trees.

  這一題,問是推想多是甚麽緣故原由造成為了ant acacia trees周圍沒有其他植物的征象,審題時存眷的研討工具是ant acacia trees,那末勇敢地斷定,與之無關的選項必定都是毛病的,都是答非所問的。直接可以消除G.H.J.,準確謎底為(F.),多是acacia ant對ant acacia trees四周的植被起到了致命的影響,acacia ant一樣是研討工具之間最大的差別,固然研討中首當其沖地會被疑惑是造成這一征象的緣故原由。這裏也表現了研討中的一個原則,即成果的差別必定是前提的差別釀成的,只有存在差別的前提才大概致使成果的分歧,簡而言之,便是差別必定源於差別,然則差別不必定致使差別。

  21. Can any conclusions about the relationship between plants and insects be drawn from the observations made on acacias and ants?

  A. Yes; the behavior of different insect species toward plants seems to be the same.

  B. Yes; some plants apparently provide shelter for the insects that protect them.

  C. No; plants apparently have the same species of insects living on them.

  D. No; insects are rarely associated with plants.

  這道題目標研討工具是the relationship between plants and insects,那末回歸文中供給的信息,必定是study 3提供應了咱們依據,由於只有study 3的研討工具同時包括plants和insects。剖析table 3: Group A, 原來與ant trees在落空了ant後,湧現大批的滅亡;Group B中ant trees在於ant共存的時刻,滅亡數目未幾;得出結論,對付ant trees而言,ant trees可否生計和ant有很大的幹系;而Group C中,non-ant trees沒有ant仍舊存活率較高;解釋沒有和ant構成共生幹系的trees的存活情形則其實不依附ant.

  那末視察選項,發明A.C.中存在same的字眼,基於視察到的各類差別性,這兩個選項必定是紕謬的,而D選型則是rarely associated,無關,這明顯也紕謬。準確謎底選取(B)


  22. Researchers removed all the insects from a tree that is different from the acacia. A comparison showed that few leaves were eaten both before and after removal of the insects. Which of the following conclusions about the insects and the tree best explains these results?

  A. The leaves were protected from grazing by some factor other than the insects.

  B. Numerous vines grew over the tree and covered the leaves and stems.

  C. The tree was unable to defend its leaves from attacks by grazing animals.

  D. Aggressive insects attacked any potential grazers on the leaves of this tree.

  這道標題中,經由對研討工具的掌控和剖析發明,研討工具是除ant以外的其他蟲豸和被吃掉的樹葉,成果發明,其他蟲豸的存在與否,不影響末了的成果,便是險些沒有樹葉被吃掉。那末直接可以得出準確謎底(F) 與此同時,G.H.J的研討工具對付標題無關,故消除。


  23. Which of the following conclusions about the function of protein bodies and extrafloral nectaries would be consistent with the results of the studies?

  A. Protein bodies are used to deter grazing animals, while extrafloral nectaries are used as a food source by acacia ants.

  B. Extrafloral nectaries are used to deter grazing animals, while protein bodies are used as a food source by acacia ants.

  C. Both protein bodies and extrafloral nectaries are used to deter grazing animals.

  D. Both protein bodies and extrafloral nectaries are used as food sources by acacia ants.

  依據題目標研討工具protein和nectar,依據只能在study 1和study 2傍邊,是以選項A.B.C都觸及了deter grazing animals,這是只有study 3才觸及的,顯著的跨區選項,是study 1和2傍邊沒有的信息,故消除。準確謎底(A) 依據表格2內容很輕易得出結論(A)