
2016/07/07 瀏覽次數:29 收藏


  The content of the Science Test includes biology, chemistry, physics, and the Earth/space sciences (for example, geology, astronomy, and meteorology). Advanced knowledge in these subjects is not required, but background knowledge acquired in general, introductory science courses is needed to answer some of the questions. The test emphasizes scientific reasoning skills over recall of scientific content, skill in mathematics, or reading ability. The scientific information is conveyed in one of three different formats:

  · Data Representation (38%). This format presents grAPhic and tabular material similar to that found in science journals and texts. The questions associated with this format measure skills such as graph reading, interpretation of scatter plots, and interpretation of information presented in tables, diagrams, and figures.


  · Research Summaries (45%). This format provides descriptions of one or more related experiments. The questions focus on the design of experiments and the interpretation of experimental results.

  · 研討概述(45%)供給多個相幹的實驗,題目誇大對付實驗計劃和實驗結論的解讀。

  · Conflicting Viewpoints (17%). This format presents expressions of several hypotheses or views that, being based on differing premises or on incomplete data, are inconsistent with one another. The questions focus on the understanding, analysis, and comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.

  · 抵觸概念(17%)以幾個基於分歧的條件和假如、基於不完美的數據的互不同等的概念,側重誇大對分歧概念的懂得、剖析和比擬。






  高分案例集錦 說話提分的不貳之選


  測驗公然課 百種免費課程會聚一堂!
