
2015/09/28 瀏覽次數:5 收藏


  對峙幹系的句子是指原句中有一些標記性的詞語,一旦肯定了是屬對峙幹系,那末句子的邏輯幹系就有了遷移轉變,可以或許很輕易地曉得所填空格處必定與原句中的某個詞語是相反的幹系。以是,斷定出句子是對峙幹系後,找出原句中的癥結詞語成為解題的沖破口。對峙幹系的句子許多,通常湧現but, yet, however, nevertheless, although, (even) though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly 等帶有遷移轉變逆轉寄義的標題,則代入空格的準確選項必與中間線索構針言義對峙的反義詞幹系。

  In spite of the increasing _______ of their opinions, the group knew they had to arrive at a consensus so that the award could be presented.

  A. impartiality

  B. consistency

  C. judiciousness

  D. incisiveness

  E. polarity


  A impartiality, “中庸之道, 公平, 公正”

  B consistency “同等性, 聯貫性”

  C judiciousness “明智”

  D incisiveness “深入,劇烈”

  E polarity “極度”

  其次,咱們曉得句子中湧現了in spite of,這就註解GRE句子填空空格地方填的應當與後半句話中的一個信息詞語意思相反。那末,咱們要先把後半句話的意思弄明確了,the group knew they had to arrive at a consensus so that the award could be presented 即“這個集團曉得他們不能不殺青一請安見以便作出決議”。誇大的是看法的同等這也正與前半句中的their opinions相對於應。以是,空格處就應當與arrive at a consensus的意思相反。依據選項中單詞的意思,只有E選項最相符題意。準確選項是E。


  Though his contemporaries tended to fixate on the politician's supposed _______,his personal correspondence _______ a surprising largesse.

  A. Charity. . Confirms

  B. Parsimony. . Contradicts

  C. Avarice. . Betrays

  D. Integrity. . Reveals

  E. Generosity. . Bespeaks

  癥結詞though, largesse.

  Though 表現遷移轉變,largesse的意思是 “大方”,那就解釋第一個空應當與largesse是相反的意思,如許就先排除ADE三個選項。而第二個空應當填一個有“揭露”意思的詞,以是,betray比擬適合,以是,準確謎底應選C.
