
2015/10/10 瀏覽次數:7 收藏


  茱莉亞學院(Juilliard School)周一宣告,預備推動在中國的擴大籌劃。學院已“開端得到同意”,與中國的幾家互助火伴一路,在天津興修一所可以供給碩士學位課程的黌舍。

  這個新聞,是中國第一夫人彭麗媛在林肯中間觀光茱莉亞學院時,由該校校長約瑟夫·W·波利西(Joseph W. Polisi)宣告的。彭麗媛是一名有名的歌頌家。

  好幾年來,茱莉亞學院一向願望在中國創辦一所黌舍。該校周一表現,天津茱莉亞學院估計在2018年開校,校舍由Diller Scofidio+ Renfro計劃。茱莉亞紐約總部校區的擴建事情也是由這家計劃師事件所賣力的。除研討生學位課程以外,天津那所黌舍還會供給大學預科課程,並為各個年紀段的門生開設音樂課。茱莉亞學院表現,它正在與天津音樂學院、天津濱海新區中間商務區治理委員會、天津新金融投資有限公司等機構互助,一路樹立這所新黌舍。

  在古典音樂和音樂教導範疇,中國被視為一個偉大的增加市場。紐約愛樂樂團(New York Philharmonic)比來與上海交響樂團及上海音樂學院互助,建立了上海樂隊學院。其主旨是造就新一代吹奏者,讓他們能隨樂團到天下各地表演。


  The Juilliard School announced on Monday that it was moving forward with plans to expand in China, saying that it had received “preliminary approval” to build, with several Chinese partners, a school in Tianjin that would offer a master’s degree program.

  The announcement was made by Juilliard’s president, Joseph W. Polisi, as China’s first lady, Peng Liyuan, a well-known singer, visited the school at Lincoln Center.

  Juilliard has been hoping to open a school in China for several years. It said on Monday that it expected to open its Tianjin Juilliard School in 2018, in a new facility designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, which worked on the expansion of its New York home. In addition to a graduate degree program, the Tianjin school would offer a precollege program and music lessons to students of all ages. Juilliard said that it was working with partners including the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, the Tianjin Binhai New Area CBD Administrative Commission and the Tianjin Innovative Finance Investment Company to develop the new school.

  China is seen as a huge growth market for classical music and music education. The New York Philharmonic recently helped establish the Shanghai Orchestra Academy, which aims to train and prepare emerging musicians to play with orchestras around the world, with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.