
2015/10/15 瀏覽次數:6 收藏


  重要傳統節日: carnival狂歡節(狂歡節是一個大齋節前的節日,人們狂歡作樂並宴飲。狂歡節的日期依據回生節的日期推定,但必需是2月的禮拜一);Christmas聖誕節(懷念耶穌基督出生的節日, 12月25日);Easter Sunday (耶穌)回生節 (3月21日或厥後月滿以後的第一個禮拜天);Father’s Day父親節(每一年6月的第三個日曜日);Mother’s Day 母親節(在美國為蒲月的第二個日曜日);Thanksgiving Day (基督教) 戴德節(11月的末了一個木曜日);Valentine's Day戀人節(2月14日);Lantern Festival元宵節;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋節;New Year's day元旦;Spring Festival春節

  別的托福白話話題辭匯: Christmas cake / card /present / pudding / stocking / tree, Christmas Eve / time,colored lights, compliments, customs,fireplace, gifts, goodwill, habits, ham, privacy, ribbons(緞帶,絲帶), rose, Santa Claus,shocking, tradition, Turkey, wreaths(花環,花冠),etc.

  經常使用短語: appropriate dress, break (follow, keep up) a custom 損壞、(服從,遵照)風俗;celebrate Christmas, cultural differences, culture shock, Eastern and Western societies,go“Dutch”, manners and customs風氣習氣; proper behavior, religious customs, social customs,theThanksgiving feast, etc.


  1. Custom required our dressing for dinner.禮俗請求咱們加入宴會穿制服。

  2. It is an old custom that men tip their hats when greeting somebody.

  3. It is the custom for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.

  4. It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter.

  5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  6. So many countries, so many customs.有若幹國度,就有若幹風俗;百裏分歧風。

  7. Social custom vary greatly from country to country.

  8. The celebration of Christmas is a custom.

  9. Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas.

  10. When in Rome do as the Romans.