
2015/10/20 瀏覽次數:6 收藏




  1、反身代詞不克不及零丁作為句子(包含分句、從句)的主語,只能作為主語的同位語,以表現 誇大。比方:By the time (A) Mitzie and myself (B) got to the box office, all (C) of the tickets were sold out (D)。 No error (E)

  毛病出在B 選項,myself 不克不及零丁作為by the time 引誘的時光狀語從句的主語,應改成其主格情勢I。

  再如:The chef herself (A) is carrying out the grand finale of the celebration (B), an extraordinary cake that is smothered (C) in strawberries and was topped (D) with eighteen sputtering candles. No error (E)

  此句反身代詞herself 作為主語the chef 的同位語,用法是準確的。毛病在D,時態合營毛病,應改成is topped,以與is smothered 組成時態的平行。


  比方:When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 1962, it (A) instantly established herself as one (C) of the most important (D) literary voices of her generation. No error (E)

  毛病在A 選項,其時有很多同窗以為it 沒有毛病,它指代前面的The Golden Notebook,沒有甚麽指代不明白的題目。然則,因為herself 已零丁作為了動詞established 的賓語,以是請求該動詞的主語只能是she(指代前面的Doris Lessing)。故應把A 改成she。

  再如:The environment forces ourselves to get used to the changes around us.


  又如:According to some critics, the title character of the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex saw himself (A) as the savoir (B) of his people and believing (C) erroneously that he could do (D) no wrong. No error (E)

  此句反身代詞himself 零丁作為動詞saw 的賓語,用法是準確的,由於saw 的主語便是the title character 本人。毛病在C,應當為believed,以與saw 並列作為句子的謂語。
