
2015/10/30 瀏覽次數:6 收藏



  At an event on Capitol Hill organized by theAmerican Humane Association, Democraticcongressman Henry Cuellar said it is important tostrengthen the bond between soldiers and militarydogs.

  When you have the connection between a soldierand one of the dogs he has been with that actually has saved lives, it's making sure that it'snot only when they are in the battle ground, but when they come back give them theopportunity if they want to adopt that particular dog.

  A majority in Congress wants retiring military dogs returned to US soil and reunited withtheir former handlers. So does the American Humane Association, an animal welfare group.

  Every year, the American Humane Association selects military dogs, law enforcement dogs,rescue dogs and others for their annual Hero Dog awards.

  The Military Dog of the Year, a German shepherd named Sgt. Rambo, served as an explosivedetection dog with the Marine Corp and had a front leg amputated. Now he is the mascot ofGizmo’s Gift, a non-profit organization, and serves as an ambassador for K-9 members of theArmed Forces.

  The American Hero Dog of the Year, a chihuahua named Harley, was abused in a puppy mill for10 years and lost one of his eyes. Now he has become a symbol of saving abused pets.

  Axel, another German shepherd, won the Service Hero Dog award. His owner, retired Marinecaptain Jason Haag, was diagnosed with brain injuries and stress after two combat tours.

  He credits Axel with helping him return to normal life.

  These guys here are life-saving and life-changing. For somebody who abuses animals, they arestopping somebody else from changing their lives.

  The American Humane Association's Robin Ganzert says every hero dog has a unique andinspiring story.

  These animals make us humans better.
