
2015/11/06 瀏覽次數:5 收藏



  最大的變更來自於寫作。這次宣布的新72C寫作標題為改造後的“三概念”標題。這也是繼官網的“Intelligent Machines”以後,第二個官方宣布的寫作標題。對付備考ACT寫作的同窗和研討ACT教授教養的先生來講,是一個異常名貴的標題。


  Public Health and Individual Freedom

  Most people want to be healthy, and most people want as much freedom as possible to do the things they want. Unfortunately, these two desires sometimes conflict. For example, smoking is prohibited from most public places, which restricts the freedom of some individuals for the sake of the health of others. Likewise, car emissions are regulated in many areas in order to reduce pollution and its health risks to others, which in turn restricts some people’s freedom to drive the vehicles they want. In a society that values both health and freedom, how do we best balance the two? How should we think about conflicts between public health and individual freedom?

  Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the conflict between public health and individual freedom.

  Perspective One

  Our society should strive to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people. When the freedom of the individual interferes with that principle, freedom must be restricted.

  Perspective Two

  Nothing in society is more valuable than freedom. Perhaps physical health is sometimes improved by restricting freedom, but the cost to the health of our free society is far too great to justify it.

  Perspective Three

  The right to avoid health risks is a freedom, too. When we allow individual behavior to endanger others, we’ve damaged both freedom and health.

  Essay Task

  Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on the conflict between public health and individual freedom. In your essay, be sure to:

  analyze and evaluate the perspectives given state and develop your own perspective on the issue explain the relationship between your perspective and those given Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partial agreement, or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.

  考生在拿到寫作部門的act樣題以後,第一步不該該是寫,而是細心剖析( Analytical Thinking),並劃出癥結詞,好比說,在這篇全新的樣題中,瀏覽部門重要講的是"大眾,"康健和小我自由的博弈。以是可以劃出HEALTHY, FREEDOM等詞。這時候腦海中也須要開端踴躍的搜刮關於這方面的單詞,句型和一些隱約的例子。

