
2015/11/24 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  書接上回,塔羅練習模式是為了讓內容熟習和影象變得加倍簡略, 易操縱。 而此篇傾向於若何預備出好的白話資料。

  作為預備資料經常使用的一種方法, 每每給人一種“上窮稅負疑無路,柳暗花明又一村落”的感到, 固然弗成否定, 它的範圍性也比擬大, 那便是“可遇而弗成求”。

  總而言之, 作為咱們正常預備套路的一種彌補, 眾位在進修的過程當中,一旦碰到就別錯過啊~~


  If you have time, there is a lovely walk down towards the River@@. For me , this is the best part of the estate. This isn’t on the map but it is all clearly signposted. You cross the field which spreads along the banks of the river.

  In spring, this area is well worth a visit. Spend a minute or two watching the water pass by underneath as you cross the footbridge. On the summer's day the trees along the path provide welcome shade. Eventually you come to the water mill which used to provide the electricity for the house^^

  是不是有了“小橋流水人家”, “夏季林蔭”的意境了呢?

  上面是劍6 中一個聽力材估中的段子, 輕微瞄一下, 你會發明者短險些便是關於所在類話題的一個尺度的謎底, 一個近水之處, 一個你去過還想去的地等等。


