
2015/11/26 瀏覽次數:6 收藏


  德意誌銀行(Deutsche Bank)正在測試新的反訛詐技巧,這項技巧經由過程你應用和握持電話的方法來剖斷你的真實身份。



  個中一些技巧已在運用傍邊。萬事達(MasterCard)正在試用被稱為“自拍付”(selfie pay)的臉部辨認和語音辨認。


  Callsign首席履行官兼開創人齊亞哈亞特(Zia Hayat)表現:“假如我偷了你的電話……搞到了你的小我辨認碼和生物特點(指紋),並妄圖以某種方法假裝你,就算我可以或許做到這些,我同樣成不了你。”

  德銀地域立異司理尼克多迪(Nick Doddy)表現,該體系能調劑本身以順應客戶的多套特點,好比斟酌客戶是坐著照樣站著。它乃至能調劑本身以順應臨時性的立室艱苦。



  德銀立異賣力人菲利普吉祥根(Philip Gilligan)表現,對賬戶拜訪者的信賴到達如斯高的程度,將使德銀可以或許讓客戶履行金額更高的生意業務。



  Deutsche Bank is experimenting with new antifraud technology that uses the way you handle and hold your phone to work out if you are really you.

  The bank hopes the system will free customers from passwords and allow it to lift limits on mobile transactions.

  The technology analyses about 50 different factors to build a picture of a user from pressure applied to the pin-pad to how the phone is held, location, facial recognition and thumbprint.

  Some of these are already in use. MasterCard is trialling facial recognition — dubbed “selfie pay” — and voice recognition.

  The boast of Callsign — the company working with Deutsche Bank on the new technology — is that its system brings so many factors together.

  “If I stole your mobile... I got hold of your pin number and biometric (fingerprint) and I was trying to impersonate you in some way, just because I could do that doesn’t mean that I’m you,” said Zia Hayat, chief executive and founder of Callsign.

  Nick Doddy, Deutsche’s regional innovation manager, said the system can adjust to multiple profiles to take into account whether a customer is sitting or standing. It can even adjust to temporary setbacks.

  “If you’ve broken your right arm and...re at home and now you’re using your left hand, it will say her location is good, her pin is good, her biometric is good, but she’s now handling it in a different way, so it might say ‘give me a facial recognition’,” he said.

  In tests, Deutsche says no one has managed to achieve a “match” above 15 per cent trying to hack someone else’s account. In most cases, the match was zero.

  Philip Gilligan, head of innovation at Deutsche, said that having such a high degree of confidence about who was accessing an account would allow the bank to let customers execute higher value transactions.

  This will benefit wealthy individuals, businesses or funds who want to move large sums with ease. Deutsche has been trialling the system and plans soon to extend it to 10,000 members of its staff as part of a larger pilot.