GRE詞匯解析:Some a hundred years

2015/12/01 瀏覽次數:2 收藏

  Some a hundred years是一個曾在GRE瀏覽中湧現的構造,那Some a hundred years表現“一百年”照樣“幾百年”呢?比來很多考生都來咨詢這個題目,本日留學gre測驗頻道就為考生做一下剖析,願望能助考生落井下石!

  Some對付咱們來講是一個簡略的不克不及再簡略的單詞,但是如許的一個小學級其余單詞,放到GRE內裏就真的能依照小學的寄義來懂得嗎?在剖析Some a hundred years表現“一百年”照樣“幾百年”以前,咱們起首來看一下some的意思。


  1. 表現數目,“一些”。

  He went to fetch some books.

  2. 表現指代,“一些/某些人”“一些/某些事物”,一樣平常用some of這類表達。

  【真題例句】supportthe view that during the Ice Age sheets of ice covered some of the deserts of the world.


  3. 表現不肯定性,“約莫”,用在數量以前。

  好比:some 30 miles=about 30 miles=around 30 miles= 30miles or so

  【真題例句1】The first mention of slavery in the statutesof the English colonies of North America does not occur until after 1660—some forty years afterthe importation of the first Black people.


  【真題例句2】Shergottites crystallized from molten rockless than 1.1 billion years ago (some 3.5 billion years later than typical achondrites).


  以上信息為考生先容了Some a hundred years的詳細意思,從some的浩瀚寄義的入手,考生不難懂得Some a hundred years表現的是約莫100年。更多gre測驗出色內容盡在留學gre測驗頻道,敬請考生連續存眷。