
2015/12/08 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  ①portray:描寫 When a writer or artist portrays something, he or she writes a description or produces a painting of it. 平日用portray A as B的構造來表現“以為A是B”。

  【例句1】According the passage, Frankenstein differs from Wuthering Heights in its portrayal of men as determiners of the novel’s action.


  【例句2】She portrays people anxious to reform their society as arrogant or dishonest.


  ②depict:描寫To depict someone or something means to show or represent them in a work of art such as a drawing or painting. depict與portray同樣,直譯都有“描寫”一意,然則depict A as B的構造仍然翻譯成“以為A是B”。

  【例句】The magazines also depicted music halls as places where crass entertainment corrupted spectators taste and morals.


  ③perceive:以為If you perceive someone or something as doing or being a particular thing, it is your opinion that they do this thing or that they are that thing. perceive本意為“感知到”,在perceive A as B的構造中表現“以為A是B”。

  【例句】Nineteenth-century feminists and anti-feminist alike perceived the suffragists’ demand for enfranchisement as the most radical element in women’s protest.


  ④view:對待If you view something in a particular way, you think of it in that way.

  view本意是視覺感官的領域,然則在“view A as B”的構造中,則為“以為A是B”。

  【例句】Traditional history usually views past events as complex and having their own individuality.


  ⑤describe:描寫If a person describes someone or something as a particular thing, he or she believes that they are that thing and says so. 一樣,describe A as B也表現“以為A是B”。

  【例句】The author’s style can best be described as objective.


  ⑥regard:對待If you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality.

  【例句】This position regards Renaissance prints as passive representations of their time.


  ⑦take:(以某種方法) 對待If you take something in a particular way, you react in the way mentioned to a situation or to someone's beliefs or behavior. take除最多見的表現“拿”“消費”等寄義外,在“take A as B”構造中,表現“以為A是B”。

  【例句】It has now become clear that such paintings are to be taken as symbolizing morality.

