
2015/12/16 瀏覽次數:8 收藏




  The author provides following which of the following examples in the passage?

  1.Ⅰ only

  2.Ⅱ only

  3.Ⅲ only

  4.Ⅰ & Ⅱ

  5.Ⅱ & Ⅲ



  The recent, apparently successful, prediction by mathematical models of an appearance of El Nino—the warm ocean current that periodically develops along the Pacific coast of South America—has excited researchers……

  It has long been known that during an El Nino, two conditions exist: (1) unusually warm water extends along the eastern Pacific, principally along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru, and (2) winds blow from the west into the warmer air rising over the warm water in the east.These winds tend to create a feedback mechanism by driving the warmer surface water into a “pile” that blocks the normal upwelling of deeper, cold water in the east and further warms the eastern water, thus strengthening the wind still more.The contribution of the model is to show that the winds of an El Nino, which raise sea level in the east, simultaneously send a signal to the west lowering sea level.According to the model, that signal is generated as a negative Rossby wave, a wave of depressed, or negative, sea level, that moves westward parallel to the equator at 25 to 85 kilometers per day.Taking months to traverse the Pacific, Rossby waves march to the western boundary of the Pacific basin, which is modeled as a smooth wall but in reality consists of quite irregular island chains, such as the Philippines and Indonesia.


  不管做甚麽題,咱們在對完文章後,都要清晰一個根本的題目,便是文章的構造和行文思緒。這篇文章屬於結論說明型文章,作者在第一段的第一句話就提出了卻論,背面所之內容都是對這個結論的說明解釋。以是,文章的首句是全文的中間句(topic sentence)。

  It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would result fairly immediately from the cessation of the winds of an El Nino?

  I.Negative Rossby waves would cease to be generated in the eastern Pacific.

  II. The sea level in the eastern Pacific would fall.

  III. The surface water in the eastern Pacific would again be cooled by being mixed with deep water.

  (A) I only

  (B) II only

  (C) I and II only

  (D) I and III only

  (E) I, II, and III









  Ⅰ.這部門在文中的定位是The contribution of the model is to show that the winds of an El Nino, which raise sea level in the east, simultaneously send a signal to the west lowering sea level.According to the model, that signal is generated as a negative Rossby wave, 即“此模子的進獻在於表現了厄爾尼諾征象中的風使東海平面升高,同時向西部低海平面區發送一個旌旗燈號。該旌旗燈號可稱作負的Rossby波,此波低於海平面,平行於赤道西移。”咱們就能夠曉得,這個旌旗燈號是由厄爾尼諾征象中的風所致使的,假如致使厄爾尼諾的風停滯,那末也就不會有這個旌旗燈號的湧現,如許,Ⅰ的說法是準確的。

