
2015/06/03 瀏覽次數:17 收藏



  北京科技大學建立於1952年,是教導部直屬天下重點大學。北京科技大學以冶金學和資料科學著稱,現己成長成為以工為主,工 理、管、文、經、法等多學科調和成長的綜合性大學。是天下一首批正式建立研討生院的33所高級黌舍之一。

  1997年5月,黌舍首批進人國度“211工程”扶植高校行列。黌舍處於高校雲集的北京市海澱區四環路,占地約11 9萬平方米(包含管莊校區),校舍修建總面積83.9萬平方米(包含管莊校區)。

  北京科技大學現有9個學院,40個本科專業,109個碩士學科點,48個博士學科點,9個一級學科博士授權點,7個博士後科研活動站,有MBA(含EMBA ) , MPA和17個範疇的工程碩士專業學位付與權。

  2006年10月,整日制在校生2萬余人,個中本專科生12547人,各種研討生8727人(個中博士生1 932人、碩士生5 284人、專業學位研討生511人),外國留門生209人;成人教導學院門生7 233人,長途教導門生3 482人。

  黌舍異常看重學科的扶植和成長,7門國度重點學科經由歷久的成長,在國表裏享有盛譽。黌舍具有一支治學嚴謹的師資部隊。教職工總數2 746人,個中專任西席1412人,正高等專業技巧職務的西席330人,具備副高等專業技巧職務的西席484人,中國科學院院士7人,中國工程院院士3人,國務院學位委員會委員1人,國度級有凸起進獻專家16人,部級有凸起進獻專家13人“長江學者嘉獎籌劃”特聘傳授8人、國度出色青年科學基金得到者11人。







  University of Science and Technology Beijing

  General information

  University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB),founded in 1952 is a nationai key university under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education of China. USTB is famous for its study of metallurgy and material science and has developed into a comprehensive university with emphasis on engineering and harmonious development in engineering,science management,humanities,economics and law. USTB is one of the 33 universities in China that are entitled to establish state-approved graduate schools.

  In May 1997,USTB was listed as one of the first group of universities admitted to China's“Project 211”USTB is located in Haidian District of Beijing,faced Fourth Ring Road,where most key institutions of higher learning are gathered. The campus has an area of 629000 square meters,with a floor space of 839 000 square meters.

  USTB consists of 9 schools,provides 40 undergraduate programs 109 master programs 48 doctoral programs,9 doctorate programs in first--level disciplines,7 postdoctoral research fields and engineering master programs in 17 fields apart EMBA) and MPA.

  In October 2006 USTB has the total enrollment of over 20000 full time students,including 12547 4 or 2 year undergraduates,8727 postgraduates(5284 master candidates,1932 doctoral candidates,1511 postgraduates for disciplines degrees),209 overseas students 7233 adult-education students and 3482 online learning students.

  USTB attaches great importance to the establishment and development of its academic disciplines. As a result of many years of development,seven national key disciplines have long enjoyed established fame both at home and abroad.USTB prides itself a strong faculty ,known for their meticulous scholarship and academic excellence. There are 2746 faculty and Staff including 1412 full-time teachers,330 full professors,484 associate professors 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and 3 academicians of including 1412 full-time the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE),1 commissioner of the Degree Commission under the State Council,16 state experts with outstanding contributions,13 ministry experts with outstanding contributions,8 special professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program” and 11 recipients of the state funds of science and technology for outstanding youth.

  Scientific researches in USTB focus on the solution of major scientific and technology problems in the modernization of metallurgical and materials production,as well as the development of new technology. USTB has 2 state key laboratories,1 state engineering research center,7 key laboratories set by ministries or commissions,4 research centers set by ministries or commissions. The library has a total collection of 1 .36 million items. At the new century,University of Science and Technology Beijing has set the goal of its development. Namely it is determined io build USTB into a state-class and world-renowned research-orientated comprehensive university of its own characteristic with emphasis on engineering and harmonious development in engineering,science,management humanities economics and law.

  Glorious History

  In 1952,Beijing Iron&Steel Industry College,the predecessor of University of Science and Technology Beijing,was founded.

  In 1960,Beijing Iron&Steel Industry College was renamed Beijing Iron&SteelCollege.

  In 1988,Beijing Iron&Steel College was renamed University of Science Technology Beijing.