
2016/01/05 瀏覽次數:12 收藏







  起首要明確,我所謂的慢,不是慢條斯理的那種慢,而是針對時光而言的:便是你要曉得,在這有限的瀏覽文章時光內,我該若何去把時光花在有用信息上。對付首次備考的考生,我一樣平常不發起急著在33-34分鐘啃完全部的標題(除非速率靠近native speaker),而是先辦理掉個中的三篇,把題目和文風都異常“帶感”的prose fiction留到末了去做。








  Paragraph 1:①As night falls on Hawaii’s Big Island, a low, jarring sound begins. ②It is a faint murmur at first, but as the darkness deepens, the sound grows louder, rending the stillness of the evening. ③These deep cries, from male E. coqui frogs, are met with lower, guttural croaks from their perspective mates; during this time, the sound for which the coqui is named fills the air. ④This sound has become the theme song of a growing environmental problem: invasive species threat to ecological biodiversity.

  第一段必定要慢讀。平日天然科學類文章,第一段有兩個目標,交卸配景常識,解釋文章宗旨。而文章宗旨,要末在首,要末在尾,這裏一讀咱們就曉得在尾。找到文章宗旨後,咱們發明,這裏焦點辭匯是 environmental problem,只要測驗學過托福瀏覽的文章構造,本篇的構造很好揣摸,為Problem&Solution。

  Paragraph 2:①Native to Puerto Rico,the small tree frogs— measuring about five millimeters long— probably arrived in Hawaii as passengers aboard potted plants imported from the Caribbean. ②Once coquis explored their new environment, they found an abundance of food , including insects, tiny spiders, and mites. ③In addition, they faced little ecological competition, as there are no other amphibians native to the islands, nor are there the snakes, tarantulas, or other Caribbean hunters that usually serve to keep the coqui population in check.

  Paragraph 3:①The way the coqui hatch also gives the coqui an advantage in Hawaii’s ecosystem. ②Frogs usually hatch into tadpoles, which require a consistent and substantial amount of water survive. ③By contrast, the coqui emerges from eggs as a tiny but fully formed from which allows it to thrive in saturated moss, the dampened plastic that importers wrap around plants, or even a drop of water on a plant leaf. ④Moreover, young coquis don't begin to emit their signature calls until they are about a year old; consequently, avian predators are unable to locate the tiny frogs by sound.


  Paragraph 4:①Perhaps the coqui’s most noteworthy feature is its extremely loud calling song. ②To a listener one to two feet away, a single coqui can produce a mating call up to 100 decibels. ③The unusual volume of the frog’s call is compounded by two other factors. ④First, coquis congregate closely on relatively small parcels of land; one recent survey found 400 adult frogs in one 20-by-20-meter plot. ⑤This degree of concentration amplifies the sound the frogs make. ⑥Second, coquis tend to overlap their calls, with a single coqui seeking to fill gaps in other frogs’ songs with its own effort to attract a mate. ⑦As a result, coquis create a “wall of sound” that is even more pronounced because Hawaii boasts few other night-calling species. ⑧For these reasons, human residents of Hawaii tend to regard coquis as nuisances, polluting the air with their incessant noises.

  Paragraph 5:①Conservationist worry about other ramifications of the coqui’s invasion of the Hawaii ecosystem. ②One problem is that while the coqui receives the bulk of residents’ attention because of its nocturnal serenades, another, quieter genus of the frog— the greenhouse frog—represents an equal threat to the biodiversity of the island. ③As voracious insectivores, coquis and greenhouse frogs are threatening the survival of arthropods(invertebrate animals with jointed legs, including insects, scorpions, crustaceans, and spiders), whose population are already close to extirpation to other foreign predators. ④Ornithologist fear that depleting the insect population could result in serious consequences for Hawaii’s food web, especially considering that the birds native to the islands are also insectivores.

  Paragraph 6:①Symbiotic interactions between the coqui and other invasive species pose another ecological threat. ②The presence of coquis could permit the flourishing of other so-called “dissonant” species, such as non-native snakes that prey upon the frogs. ③Herpetologists have speculated that nematodes and other types of vertebrate parasites can be transported with coquis and can infect indigenous fauna. ④Furthermore, many ecologists believe the proliferation of these frogs will further homogenize the island’s biota.

  四、五、六段又是一個意群,重要呼應文章宗旨段的coquis釀成的 environmental problem,而且每段宗旨都是第一句。五、六都有邏輯詞承接前文信息,第五段第一句話裏有一個other; 第六段的首句有個another。

  Paragraph 7:①Debate persists about how best to reduce or even eradicate the population of coquis and their cousins in Hawaii. ②Hand-capturing the tiny frogs is probably the most environmentally sensitive way to remove them from their habit, but their sheer number renders this approach inefficient. ③The maximum concentration of pesticides that would not damage fauna or flora has not been potent enough to kill the frogs. ④Seeking a more creative solution, scientists have had some success treating the frogs with caffeine citrate, a drug typically prescribed to treat breathing and metabolic abnormalities in humans. ⑤Caffeine citrate can penetrate the coqui’s moist skin, and the drug’s high acidity essentially poisons the animal and inactive its nervous systems. ⑥From a biodiversity standpoint, this technique has the added benefit of posing almost no danger to plants, which lack a nervous system, or to insects, which have an impenetrable, hard exoskeleton.


  Paragraph 8: ①Even if new techniques finally exterminate the coqui, experts are skeptical that the invader’s current effects on the 1,000 acres of Hawaii’s ecosystem can be reversed. ②This patch of land is not expansive in comparison to Hawaii’s total 4.1 million acres, yet it is an indication of potential widespread disaster: since the habitat and its native residents have thus far been able to adjust to the presence of coquis, eliminating the frogs could yield unintended and far-reaching consequences to the biodiversity of the habitat beyond arthropods. ③For now, scientists are likely to continue the delicate balancing act of limiting the coqui’s population growth while preventing further damage to Hawaii’s ecosystem.






  2016寒假班熱報中 現報名送5000元!

