
2016/02/02 瀏覽次數:6 收藏



  這一act瀏覽題型,重要考核對付給定段落重要內容的懂得,癥結詞也是異常顯著的。好比說湧現的是main point大概main idea如許的一些詞都是一些標記詞,以是很好斷定,這類範例的題比擬好之處在於它會給咱們一個異常明白的旌旗燈號,異常好定位。

  這類範例的題,會在social sciences,national science如許的文章內裏比擬多一些,文章一樣平常會是一些論說文大概是解釋文,如許的體裁大概會決議著文章寫作也是異常牢固的一個模式,好比說在段落的首尾句會湧現比擬顯著的一個歸納綜合,以是咱們要重點讀第一句話大概是文章的末了一句話。但若這兩個句子並無給出異常癥結的信息大概歸納綜合性的信息的話,那咱們要看一下文章的其他段落,大概文章段落中其他的部門是否是會有一些遞進大概說是遷移轉變的意思。



  1996 52C Passage 2

  Behind the fine craftsmanship and expressive art that characterized the last phases of Paleolithic culture was the mode of life brought about by specialization in hunting big game. In this pursuit a more cooperative strategy, requiring larger numbers of trackers, beaters, and killers, was required; and that presupposes a tribal or clan organization. Single family groups of less than fifty people, only a minority being adults males, could hardly have done the job. That Ice Age hunting life was necessarily dependent upon the movement of the great herds in search of fresh grazing or browsing grounds: yet it developed fixed points of reference and return….

  這是1996年曾湧現過的一道題,它問的是這個段落的idea是甚麽模樣的。先來讀第一句話,Behind something was something以是第一個句子固然很長看起來有三行多,然則主理構造照樣異常顯著的。 這句話說的是,由於一些大型佃獵的專業化引發了一些生存模式的轉變,而這類生存模式的轉變在這類舊時代文化以後,看下選項。

  16. The main idea of the first paragraph is that:

  F.the late Paleolithic mode of life was affected by the specialization required in big game hunting.

  G.early Paleolithic hunters formed larger social groups than later food gatherers.

  H.only a minority of late Paleolithic hunters were adult males.

  J.the migration of the great herds determined the late Paleolithic way of life.

  假如不是特殊清晰的話,來看一下這個段落其他的一些部門,看第二句話它說的是在如許一個追趕的過程當中,大概須要加倍有互助性的一些計謀,假如一個家庭異常小,那末他們大概很難去完成如許的一個事情。再往下看照樣說如許一種捕獵的生存它主如果取決於甚麽樣的一些器械,下面這些全都是對這類生存方法的一些描寫,大概說對這類佃獵方法的一種描寫,骨幹的信息應當是第一句話是跟生存方法的轉變,另有hunting big game如許的一些詞有幹系的項選,末了選項應當是第一個F選項。


  2012 70G Passage 4

  Twenty years later, scientists observing metamorphosis in flies, ants, and beetles noted in the changing muscles and glands the wholesale death of cells. Later studies of developing bones, muscles, and other tissues in mammals suggested that the shaping of ear, eye, nose, tongue, intestinal tract, and trachea involves some removal of excess cells. By the turn of the century it was clear: to have shapely toads, butterflies, babies, one must have cell death.

  當咱們讀前面的時刻大概還輕微有點雲裏霧裏的,然則讀到末了一句話的時刻,它說By the turn of the century it was clear甚麽工作變得異常明白異常清楚了,甚麽工作to have shapely toads, butterflies, babies, one must have cell death. 骨幹的詞應當是說咱們必需得閱歷一個細胞滅亡的進程。以是在選項內裏,咱們也要找如許一些重點詞好比說cell death。排撤除了A和D兩個選項。假如還不是特殊寧神的話,咱們再回到原文中,看一下前面的幾個句子,這個文段一共有三句話,第一句話它的骨幹詞,scientists主語,動詞noted賓語the wholesale death of cells。第二句話Later studies這是一個主語,然後謂語動詞suggested賓語the shaping of something involves some removal of excess cells.如許的一個進程,以是這兩個句子照樣在說科學家們留意到了細胞滅亡,厥後的研討也發明了假如想要有成型的一些器官照樣要閱歷一個細胞滅亡的進程。以是這段話的宗旨,便是在說細胞滅亡這件工作,那末選項就應當是B選項是一個同義的句子。

  37. The main point of the sixth paragraph (lines 58-66) is that:

  A.many animals experience metamorphosis at some point in their life cycle.

  B.cell death is critical to the proper development of insects and animals.

  C.a wider array of animals needs to be studied in order to understand cell death.

  D.animal organs undergo a complicated shaping process.


  1296 Test 2 Passage 4

  Although these scientists' understanding of the origins of life on Earth is still imperfect, those involved in SETI do have some idea of what combinations of size, location, and chemical composition make a planet more likely to harbor intelligent life. The general understanding is that there are two main factors that determine whether or not a planet is habitable(able to sustain life): temperature and mass. There are other factors that are often considered, such as the presence of certain chemicals, the proximity of other planets, and planetary age, but temperature and mass are the initial, and most crucial, tests.

  起首照樣第一句話,Although是引誘狀語從句的一個詞,湧現這個詞,咱們就會意裏有表示,它下面會有一個but,固然它不會寫出來然則會湧現,骨幹的話應當是those do have some idea of what combinations ,make a planet more likely to harbor intelligent life。如許的一些人,他們確切會曉得,甚麽樣的聯合可使得這個星球變得合適聰明性命的棲身。接著再往下看,下面的骨幹句子應當是說有兩個重要的身分,可以決議是不是這個星球移居。兩個身分分離是甚麽呢?temperature 、mass溫度和質量是兩個crucial, tests異常主要的磨練,以是咱們應當選的是有兩個身分決議著地球是不是移居如許一個選項。

  36. The primary point of the fourth paragraph (lines 31-41) is that:

  F.even today scientists do not understand why life developed on our planet.

  G.liquid water is crucial to the evolution of intelligent life on any planet.

  H.only planets within a "Goldilocks Zone" are able to sustain life.

  J.there appear to be two crucial components in determining whether a planet may be habitable.




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