1.A)One fifth of them were on bad terms with their sisters and brothers。
B)About one eighth of them admitted to lingering bitter feelings。
C)More than half of them were involved in inheritance disputes。
D)Most of them had broken with their sisters and brothers。
高頻詞: 幹系詞如on bad terms和broken; sisters and brothers, inheritance dispute
2.A)Less concern with money matters。
B)More experience in worldly affairs。
C)Advance in age。
D)Freedom from work。
癥結詞:money, experience,worldly,age, work
3.A)They have little time left to renew contact with their brothers and sisters。
B)They tend to forget past unhappy memories and focus on their present needs 。
C)They are more tolerant of one another。
D)They find close relatives more reliable。
癥結詞:contact, brothers and sisters, unhappy memories, need, tolerant, relatives
In a study of older people with sisters and brothers, psychologist Debra Gold of the Duke Center for the study of aging and human development found that about 20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers。
在這句話中湧現了癥結詞有兩處:Debra Gold ,20%。聽到人時要記下他的概念,聽到數字時,要記下與它相幹的其他信息。這句話的條記為: D,20%, hostile。假如hostile不會寫,可以依據句子意思簡寫為 D,20%, ↓。向下的箭頭表現悲觀的事物。同理,向上的箭頭表現踴躍的事物。20% said they were hostile or indifferent to ward their sisters and brothers。與兄弟姐妹幹系欠好屬於悲觀的事物,故用向下的箭頭。如許,經由過程一些簡略的字母、數字、標記咱們就能夠把文章內容記載下來了,這些簡略記載對咱們斷定選項是不是準確時頗有贊助。別的,還須要留意的一點是聽到文中湧現選項中的辭匯或與其意義鄰近的辭匯時,要在選項中辭匯閣下依據所聽到的內容扼要做下條記。如因為選項中有They tend to forget past unhappy memories and focus on their present needs 如許的表述,當咱們聽到
A man who had recently reconciled with his brother told Gold there’s something that lets older people to put aside bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now, especially when it’s sisters and brothers。這句話時,就須要在past閣下寫下put aside,或是標誌向上的箭頭。
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