
2012/03/22 瀏覽次數:2 收藏

【英國留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/uk/) - 英國留學簽證技能】去英國奧運簽證要及早提交


  86留學網http://www. abroad.hopetrip.com.hk 在此提醒,從2012年1月1日開端,英國使館事情職員已開端受理倫敦奧運會時代的簽證申請了(關於申請奧運簽證的具體請求請見下文)。



  以是,86留學網http://www. abroad.hopetrip.com.hk 在此提示列位行將留英學子,必定要及早預備好本身的簽證資料,並及早提交簽證申請,以避免延誤開學!


  a signed invitation letter from the London Organising.committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG), confirming that it has invited you and you are eligible to apply;

  a valid passport (which must be valid for at least the length of your stay in the UK) or travel document;

  1 original passport-size colour photograph (45mm high x 35mm wide), taken within the past 6 months, which meets the requirements of our photograph guidance - you can download this guidance from the right side of this page;

  the appropriate fee, which you can pay in local currency;

  if you do not live in the country in which you are applying, evidence of your permission to be in that country - for example, a residence permit, visa, or green card;

  if you will pay for your trip yourself, evidence (bank statements) of how you will do it; and

  if your expenses will be paid for you while you are in the UK, written confirmation of who will fund you and how - for example, a letter from the relevant organisation confirming it will fund your stay in the UK.
