The United States Department of Justice has openedan investigation into state-sponsored doping bydozens of Russia’s top athletes, two people familiarwith the case said. The inquiry escalates what hasbeen a roiling sports controversy into a federalcriminal case involving foreign officials.
The United States attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York is scrutinizing Russiangovernment officials, athletes, coaches, antidoping authorities and anyone who might havebenefited unfairly from a doping regime, according to the people, who did not haveauthorization to speak about the inquiry publicly. Prosecutors are believed to be pursuingconspiracy and fraud charges.
Federal courts have allowed prosecutors to bring cases against foreigners living abroad if thereis some connection to the United States. That connection can be limited, such as the use of anAmerican bank.
A report published by the World Anti-Doping Agency in November accused Russia ofsystematic state-sponsored doping. The chemist identified as a linchpin in that operation —Grigory Rodchenkov, the longtime head of Russia’s antidoping laboratory — told The New YorkTimes this month that he worked for years, at the direction of the Russian government, to helpthe country’s athletes use banned, performance-enhancing substances in global competitionand go undetected.
客歲11月,天下反高興劑機構(World Anti-Doping Agency)宣布了一份申報,控告俄羅斯存在獲得國度支撐的體系性地應用高興劑的情形。歷久擔負俄羅斯反高興劑試驗室主任的格裏戈裏·羅琴科夫(GrigoryRodchenkov)被以為是在個中飾演癥結腳色的化學家。他本月告知《紐約時報》,在俄羅斯當局的指導下,他多年來一向在贊助俄羅斯活動員在環球性的競賽中應用可以進步競賽成就的犯禁藥物,並一齊向外界遮蓋。
Dr. Rodchenkov is among the people under scrutiny by the United States government, saidone of the two people with direct knowledge of the case.
Russian officials have responded to the accusations with both defiance and contrition. Whileoften emphatically dismissing the claims as a Western conspiracy intended to discreditRussia, they have sometimes struck a more conciliatory tone, perhaps seeking to win thefavor of sports officials in control of their country’s ability to compete in the coming SummerOlympics in Rio de Janeiro.
The Russian Sports Ministry acknowledged doping problems in a statement last week after Dr.Rodchenkov’s claims were published in The Times. It did not specify what those problems were.Then, writing in The Sunday Times, a British newspaper, the Russian sports minister, VitalyMutko, said that Russian officials, coaches and athletes had made “serious mistakes,” but hestopped short of outlining them or admitting to any state involvement.
在時報註銷了羅琴科夫的談吐以後,俄羅斯體育部上周宣布了一份聲明,認可該國存在高興劑題目。文中沒有詳細解釋存在哪些題目。接著,俄羅斯體育部長維塔利·穆特科(Vitaly Mutko)在英國媒體《日曜日泰晤士報》(The Sunday Times)上發文表現,一些俄羅斯官員、鍛練和活動員犯下了“緊張的毛病”,但他既沒有點明是甚麽毛病,也沒有認可當局與之有任何幹聯。
In their inquiry, United States prosecutors are expected to scrutinize anyone who might havefacilitated unclean competition in the United States or used the United States banking systemto conduct a doping program.
Elite Russian athletes have competed in several major sporting events in the United States, likethe Boston Marathon and international bobsled and skeleton championships in Lake Placid, N.Y.
The inquiry, which originated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would have to clearseveral hurdles before charges could be filed. Even if prosecutors are able to establishjurisdiction, securing the cooperation of Russian authorities in pursuing evidence andwitnesses — and in ultimately delivering any charged defendants to the United States — wouldbe all but impossible.
在提告狀訟以前,這項起首由美國聯邦查詢拜訪局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)提議的查詢拜訪必需起首辦理幾個停滯。就算美國檢方建立了法律統領權,要讓俄羅斯政府合營他們獲得證據和證人——和終極將受到控告的被告移交給美國——也險些是弗成能的。