
2016/06/14 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

  In the referendum campaign on Britain’smembership of the EU, each side has one trump cardthat they will play repeatedly until voting day onJune 23. The Remain camp will talk about theeconomy. The Leavers will talk about immigration.


  Many diehard Remainers regard the Leavecampaign’s stress on immigration as proof that it is a movement that ultimately rests onracism and xenophobia. But immigration is a legitimate issue in this campaign. Indeed, theLeave side would be stupid not to use it since, when voters are asked to name their concerns,they regularly put immigration at the top of the list. In 2015, net migration to the UK hit333,000, the second-highest number on record, with about half that number coming from theEU.


  For the Leave campaign, immigration from Europe is a gift because it perfectly captures threeof the themes that the “Outers” most like to stress: loss of sovereignty, the faulty judgmentof elites and the difficulty of achieving meaningful reform of the EU.


  Hardcore Eurosceptics in the Conservative party have been complaining about loss ofsovereignty for decades. But the things that enraged them, such as the EU’s working timedirective, are not the sorts of issues that normal people lose sleep over.

  守舊黨中的鐵桿疑歐論者數十年來一向在埋怨英國損失了主權。但激憤他們的工作,好比歐盟的《事情時光指令》(working time directive),並非會讓通俗人夜不克不及寐的那種題目。

  By contrast, immigration provides a meaningful practical example of what “loss of sovereignty”actually entails. After the arrival of more than 1m migrants from eastern Europe over the pastdecade, some British voters wanted to call a halt. That put David Cameron, the prime minister,in the awkward position of having to explain that the UK government is powerless to controlthe flow of migrants from the rest of the EU. The EU’s rules on the free movement of peoplemandate that all EU citizens have the right to live and work anywhere within the 28-countrybloc.

  相反,移民則供給了一個故意義的實際例子,反應出“損失主權”現實上到底象征著甚麽。在曩昔10年跨越100萬東歐移民來到英國今後,一些英國選民現在想要對移民叫停。這讓英國輔弼戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)位於一種為難的地步,他不能不向大眾說明,英國當局實在無力掌握來自歐盟其他處所的移民流入。歐盟的職員自由活動規矩劃定,全部歐盟國民都有權在歐盟28個成員國中的任何處所生存和事情。

  One of the basic characteristics of a nation state has traditionally been the right to decide whocan live in the country and enjoy the benefits of citizenship. Many voters instinctively feel thatthis is the way it should still be. But that traditional sovereign right has indeed been sacrificed(or pooled, if you prefer) by EU members.


  The British government’s failure to anticipate the scale of migration from eastern Europe hasalso fed the public’s scepticism about official pronouncements on the EU. Just before theenlargement of the EU in 2004 to include 10 new members, the government predicted that anaverage of 13,000 migrants a year would move to Britain from the newly extended bloc. In theevent, the figure was more than 10 times that. After this miscalculation, it is hardly surprisingif the public now reacts sceptically to government figures about the economic impact of leavingthe EU.


  Once the scale of the immigration into Britain became clear, the UK government tried to securechanges in the EU’s rules on the free movement of people. In October, in the early stages ofhis attempted re-negotiation with the EU, Mr Cameron promised to “sort” the issue andinsisted, “I will not take no for an answer.”


  But the Cameron re-negotiation merely highlighted a third Eurosceptic complaint about theEU: that it is an organisation that finds it all-but-impossible to reform itself.


  The rules on free movement are one of the “four freedoms” that are regarded as basic to EUmembership. But even if there had been leaders around the negotiating table who agreed withMr Cameron that something needs to change, it was always going to be impossible to securethe agreement of each of the other 27 member states, many of which were under strongdomestic pressure to fight for continued free movement of people. Instead, Mr Cameron hadto settle for a much weaker reform: delays in the payment of welfare benefits to EU migrants.


  Of course, it is also true that there are elements of dishonesty and xenophobia in the way theLeave campaign has used immigration. The Leavers have sometimes deliberately blurred thedistinction between legal immigrants from the EU and asylum seekers fleeing the Middle East— a powerful tactic, given the current refugee crisis in Europe. Nigel Farage, one of the mostprominent Leave campaigners, has even evoked sexual assaults by migrants in Germany as areason to quit the EU.

  固然,退歐活動應用移民題目的方法也切實其實存在不老實和仇外的身分。退歐派人士偶然會有意隱約來自歐盟的正當移民與追求卵翼的中東災黎之間的差別——斟酌到當前的歐洲災黎危急,這是一種壯大的戰術。退歐活動的旗頭之一奈傑爾•法拉奇(Nigel Farage)乃至曾援用德國移民性侵案作為退出歐盟的來由。

  At the same time, the Leave campaign has appealed to UK voters with roots outside Europe —by suggesting that if Britain leaves the EU it could adopt an immigration policy that allows inmore migrants from India and Pakistan. That idea is unlikely to delight the Leavers’ core votein the white working class.


  As far as I can see, large-scale migration from Europe has benefited Britain. And manyimportant institutions, from the National Health Service to my local coffee shop, would struggleto get by without it. But then again, as an affluent Londoner, it is predictable that I wouldtake a relaxed view of immigration.


  However, at a time when real wages are stagnant, house prices are rising and public servicesare creaking, many British people are susceptible to the argument that high immigration ismaking such problems worse.


  Are these concerns about immigration — real and imagined — enough to overwhelm theeconomic and strategic case for staying inside the EU? Not as far as I am concerned. But I willnot be remotely surprised if Britain decides differently on June 23.
