
2016/06/15 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

  6月15日CNN聽力:寨卡病毒殘虐 探訪病毒發祥地波多黎各


  Alex Vandam is an entomologist.

  He studies insects in Puerto Rico.

  The territory is ground zero for Zika in the UnitedStates.

  We hung traps throughout the island to catchmosquitoes that spread the virus.

  Are you ready to set our first trap? Yes.

  OK. First, of course, we got this, right?

  Bug spray time.

  So, do the mosquitoes like to be in the water or just outside the water?

  They'll hang out like undersides of leaves.

  They're looking for moist, muddy habitat.

  There you go.

  So, mosquitoes for Zika would hang out here and then would go out and bite people in thistown.

  Or there maybe spots in the town itself that are producing mosquitoes.

  Wow. This is like mosquito paradise back here.

  How far can these mosquitoes fly?

  Like around two miles to look for a blood mill.

  So, I can see the mosquitoes here.

  What are mosquitoes like about this location?

  This habitat in particular has lots of pools of water for them to lay their eggs in.

  And there it goes. We got the light to catch the mosquitoes, the fan to put them down.

  They're around in there.

  We got a few things.

  There's a mosquito.

  Oh, boy, full bounty.

  Let's get these guys down.

  There's a lot of bugs in there. Hello, trap.

  Oh,my goodness. We got a lot in here.

  This are is thick with mosquitoes.

  And there's a neighborhood just right over there. Yes.

  Kids are playing in a soccer game. Yes.

  I mean, you see-when you see this, you see how this spreads.

  There's a mosquito. There's another one. There's yet another.

  They're tiny. They're really long legs, but then they also have a long proboscis or long mouthpart.

  That's what they do their blood sucking.

  Yes. It's like a really long straw, essentially for them or needle to suck blood.

  So, there are a lot of different kinds of mosquitoes and not all of them spread Zika.

  So, let's check it out and see what kind we got here.

  These look like Aedes Aegypti to me.

  These are the problem mosquitoes that are spreading Zika.

  Yes, we caught these right next to people's homes.

  We have the same bugs in the Continental United States.
