
2016/06/22 瀏覽次數:18 收藏

  Task 5:


  The woman is working as a teaching assistant for a professor and she's supposed to grade like 40 exam sheets which is due the next day. But she forgot that she's got other work to do tonight. The first solution is to talk to her professor to reschedule the job. The second solution is to stay up late for both tasks.







  女士:碰到貧苦了。校報一個寫movie review的家夥叫Jack(聽個也許,音)要回家去,這期不克不及寫專欄了,我很頭痛。



  Jack 的專欄已有些歲首了,眾人都熟習了


  女士:舊文章。。。。這個。。。那就不是新的movie review 了呀。









  Problem: The man is going on a trip but he lost his camera.

  Solution 1: He can buy a new camera. It will be good for future use, too, but it's expensive and he will have less money for the trip.

  Solution 2: He can borrow Jack's camera, but he's worried he might break it or lose it.


  題目:audition 和 concert同晚

  1 go to the first part of the concert and go to the audition


  2 go to ad. at another day



  Problem: The band that's supposed to come to perform in the university got a scheduling problem and now they can't come.

  Solution 1: Hire another band

  Pro: The show will still be on time

  Con: The students may not like the new band

  Solution 2: Hire the old band and postpone the performance


  Con: People will be busy with the finals next week, it's hard to say if a lot of people will come





  【題目】:Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


  【門生艱苦】:一女士的part time job是working with young,然後籌劃下周要帶一群孩子去觀光science museum,但領導tour guy抱病了very sick。因而女士沒方法帶孩子去了。



  男生說出計劃2、換個時光再去觀光reschedule her time。但女士說換時光的話,又要和博物館從新預約,又要從家長那邊拿permission,還要arrange tickets。



  The man's problem is that he left his keys in the dorm and he forgot to take his paper with him, which should be handed in today. He's roommate was in another city now. There are two solutions for him. First, he should tell the professor but his paper was regarded late. Second, he could ask the administrator of the dorm to open the door but it would cost him 15 dollars.


  音樂會甚麽,由於要下雨,2個solutions, woman:貼通告說移到下禮拜,man:固然下雨會wet然則氣溫還warm,並且聽眾大概不介懷, woman又說:然則眾人大概看到表面要下雨就消除來的歲首了,題目:總結2個solutions


  男生要打印器械,然則他要去黌舍和不便利,兩個辦法,1 從同窗那買個二手的打印機,然則比擬輕易壞,而且打印後果欠好,2 買新的,貴,然則男生另有兩年卒業,可以買個新的也比擬值


  Man's Problem: He has a study group tomorrow with other students for a physics exam, but there is a presentation on writing novels held at the same time.

  Possible Solutions:

  1) Attend the study group:

  - Can't change the time since other students aren't free at other times.

  - It's better to study with them because they are better at physics than he is, and he has some materials that he doesn't fully understand. (Communicating by email isn't helpful)

  - Can read the article and listen to the recording on the presentation afterwards.

  2) Go to the Presentation:

  - He is passionate about writing and really wants to go.

  - The writer giving the presentation may not come to his university again。

  - Reading the article on the event website is not the same as listening to the presentation in-person.

  - The man can study on his own. The other members in the study group said he could email them if he had questions.


  白話五:女士室友忘帶冬日外衣讓她開車到機場送, 她去, 時光過長;不去又欠好, 何況她室友比來幫了她的忙。



  一個女士抱病了,不想外出,然則她是youth center的volunteer,應當帶一幫小孩子去zoo看動物。兩種辦理方法,辦法一是reschedule去動物園的時光,但這是一個special exhibit of 一種山君,孩子們會很愛好,並且是末了一天,不去很惋惜。辦法二是讓另一個自願者Megan代孩子們去,然則Megan本身要溫習物理課內容加入測驗,女士認為讓同夥做出這類就義本身過意不去。



  woman收到一個去marine research的offer,然則給的錢不敷她去交放學期的tuition. man說:1、explain to them and ask for more money(women怕他們收回offer);2、take a part-time job(woman說怕時光不敷太累) 題目是:這個女士的Dilemma是甚麽,你以為應當怎樣做,為何?


  男生向女士埋怨本身適才正在做research project,成果不當心erased his data(刪掉了數據),並且沒有copy。女士提出了兩點possible solution:給emergence打手機,讓他們來補綴,由於有晚間辦事,然則男生說太貴。女士因而發起向傳授請求extension,男生擔憂傳授strict,會take points(減分)。

  Task 6:

  1. The professor talks about why solidarity develops in different societies.

  One reason is that all society members do the same kind of job. For example, people in rural areas are mainly farmers who deal with basic work and so they share similar lives. Solidarity develops in this society because the same job creates a sense of unity.

  The other reason is because of different divisions of job. For instance, people in town have different tasks like doctors and stuff, and they are interdependent. Solidarity develops in this kind of society because people depend on each other.


  Soil中也有生計的mammal . Firstly, they must be able to move, for the soil is not like the water, it's thick and condense. 2, able to protect themselves from things like the particles in soil.

  接著傳授舉了2 examples. 1,mow, has strong feet, like the shovel, that can dig deeply 2, ……。 has tiny eyes, also have hair that cover their eye from particle infection.




  Waiting Time

  許多勝利營銷的竅門便是waiting time.但對貿易行動而言,癥結並非現實期待的時光,而是感知期待時光conceived waiting time,便是the time that consumers think they are waiting.

  商家一樣平常經由過程兩種計謀來cut conceived waiting time。

  (1),讓客人有事可做:Let the consumers have something to do.給了兩個例子,一是在病院歇息室的doctor's waiting room,放一電視TV,眾人看電視,不知不覺時光就曩昔了;二是在電梯口elevator,放一鏡子mirror,眾人對著鏡子臭美一下,時光就曩昔了,就cannot conceived the waiting time了。

  (2),告知客人他們現實上期待了多久tell them the real waiting time。許多人便是本身認為等得長,他等了非常鐘認為已等了二非常鐘了,因而就焦急。這第二種計謀最多見的便是火車站,大喇叭裏一直的告知你,另有多長期,經由過程這類tell you the truth 的方法,來reduce conceived waiting time.

  題目:甚麽是conceived waiting time和商家reduce conceived waiting time的計謀。


  告白的標語,兩種slogan,1、for the whole company 2、for specific product




  Memory gaps, we fill our memory gaps inaccurately in two ways.

  Way 1: with plausible guesses and assumptions

  Example 1: 車禍後被請求回想,他們會說出一些有事理但不真正的緣故原由,好比司機在打手機或平安帶沒系

  Way 2: others' suggestions and opinions

  Example 2: 車禍後被請求回想,假如題目是"司機其時開車的速率如何",人們會被速率所影響




  1. 斷定location: an insect can use this chemical to guide another insect from food to home。舉例:蜜蜂在外找食,在巢裏的其他蜜蜂就會發出這類激素,贊助找食的蜜蜂找到本身的巢。

  2. this chemical is the signal to show that female animals are ready to mate交配。舉例:a female moth can relapse this chemical, so a male moth can know this female moth is ready to mate and can find where it is。" S6: 臨時沒法肯定標題起源



  Protective Adaptation

  1. Structure adaptation -- grow specific body structure


  EG:說一種B沙魚,個頭小,身材弱,vulnerable to big sharks,末了閱歷漫長的演變尾部長出spike,防備其他比他大的沙魚的attack。

  2. Behavior adaptation -- change behavior


  EG:說北美的一種動物,當碰到天敵進擊時就會pretend death, shut eyes, heart beat slow, breath slight…




  說是有兩種門路讓動物們既可以在日間運動也能夠在夜裏運動,第一種是make light怎樣的(忘了),給出的例子是fox有一種很特別的layer 能借助月光看清器械。 第二種是 可以經由過程縮小眼睛的一個甚麽(eyes pupil不肯定拼寫對紕謬)瞳孔吧,例子照樣FOX,可以調理瞳孔巨細,來削減光的強度,以是他們照樣可以在日間攝入食品。


  The professor talks about two types of suspense in a movie.

  The first type is that the audience feels interesting to guess the end. For example, two heroes set the same goal, but the audiences have no idea who comes first.

  The second type is that the audiences know the end but they have no clue how to get to the end. For example, in a love story, the hero and heroine doom to meet in the end, but how they meet each other becomes intriguing.


  Lecture: Small Business: drawbacks on home-based business

  For many small businesses, instead of renting, they prefer to work from home. Though working from home has its merits, a home-based business has some drawbacks.

  1) Can't Maintain a Professional Image

  People working in home-based businesses don't set a clear boundary between business and personal life. The customers may think they are not professional and serious about the business. For example, if a home-based business is a catering service that provides food for some major event, a customer would call and not expect a baby crying in the background. However, if it happened, the customer will for sure think that the business is not professional enough for their event and not trust the ability of the caterer to provide good-quality food.

  2) Will Affect the Lives of the Neighbors

  Use the catering example again, the business may hire two or more workers to help with the preparation of food. These workers may need to park their cars on the street, which would take up the neighbors' parking spots. Having their spots taken, the neighbors would definitely complain.

  Question: Describe the two drawbacks of home-based businesses.


  Ecosystem engineering: 動物住在一個處所,這個處所會變得合適其他動物生計。兩種方法




  白話六:先生總願望獲得feedback, feedback DE characters 1 focus on students 2. focus on 其他


  人類創造發明有2種大概:有目標性(intentional),無目標性(accidental)。有目標性的舉例是創造一種眼鏡,可以不消讓人在看遠間隔和近間隔的時刻頻仍換眼鏡。無目標性的例子是X-RAY的創造,是某個科學家在試驗室裏發明的物體影象,進而運用於人體醫學。 "


  Wetland's two benefits for animals.

  1). for nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.

  作為孕育地。動物可以lay eggs or give birth, 直到它們的寶寶長大成熟。舉例,一種沙魚在接近海洋的濕地產卵,由於這裏大動物少,可以削減被捕食者捕食的概率;

  2). for rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before.

  question 6【授課要點】two ways the animals use wetland。

  to rest and feed themselves. 舉例,一種要cross美洲的migrate bird, 在遠程遷移的過程當中須要歇息大概尋食,這時濕地施展了很大的感化:在這裏可以resting and setting,這裏另有許多吃的,就跟它們日常平凡吃的同樣,以是很合適逗留。


  授課要點】:Two Economic Changes in Ancient Civilization

  1. Currency: this monetary form made life easier. For example, a man who bakes bread can now use money in exchange for a coat. Using money to trade can avoid the possible issue that the person who sells coats does not like bread.

  2. Trade new things over a greater distance. For example, Romans can import silk fabric from China.


  Lecture: Two Advantages of the Beta Testing Method in Business

  A beta test is an opportunity that gives the intended audience some samples to try the product out first.

  1) Get feedback from the customers

  The producer can get feedback from the customers who try the product. They will know which aspects of the product the customers like and don't like. A camera company, for example, may give some professional photographers new sample cameras to test out. After testing, the photographers may report, for example, that the flash doesn't work well because it produces too much light. The company will then know they need to work on the flash to make the overall product more desirable.

  2) Providing Free Advertising

  If the tested audience thinks the new product is satisfactory, it will leave a positive impression in their minds and they may tell others about the product. Even if it's not a perfect product at first, the efforts taken by the company to improve it will convince the photographer customers that the new camera will be very good. They, in turn, will tell other photographer friends about the new product and encourage greater sales.






  高分案例集錦 托福提分的不貳之選


  測驗公然課 百種免費課程會聚一堂!

