
2016/07/01 瀏覽次數:4 收藏



  Traditionally,the first firm to commercialize a new technology has benefited from the unique opportunity to shape product definitions, forcing followers to adapt to a standard or invest in an unproven alternative. Today, however, the largest payoffs may go to companies that lead in developing integrated approaches for successful mass production and distribution.

  Producers of the Beta format for videocassette recorders (VCRs), for example, were first to develop the VCR commercially in 1975, but producers of the rival VHS (Video Home System) format proved to be more successful at forming strategic alliances with other producers and distributors to manufacture and market their VCR format. Seeking to maintain exclusive control over VCR distribution, Beta producers were reluctant to form such alliances and eventually lost ground to VHS in the competition for the global VCR market.

  Despite Beta’s substantial technological head start and the fact that VHS was neither technically better nor cheaper than Beta, developers of VHS quickly turned a slight early lead in sales into a dominant position. Strategic alignments with producers of prerecorded tapes reinforced the VHS advantage. The perception among consumers that prerecorded tapes were more available in VHS format further expanded VHS’s share of the market. By the end of the 1980s, Beta was no longer in production.

  上面這篇文章出自GMAC出書的官方指南(Official Guide 12th edition)。這篇文章,假如依據傳統的瀏覽習氣,搞清晰每一個詞的意思,並以此為基本歸納綜合句子的意思,進而經由過程句子的意思總結出段落的大意,末了歸納出全文的意思,那末縱然做到了,也必定是消耗了大批的時光和精神。

  咱們再看一眼這篇文章。Traditionally” 與 “Today”兩個詞在文中時光上的比較加之 “however” 這個遷移轉變詞就可以捉住第一段裏先後兩種概念的變更,而第二段的 “for example” 異常清晰地提醒了第二段湧現例子。例子與概念構成的恰是學術論文中最基本的論證與被論證的幹系。末了再經由過程對第二段首句中湧現的癥結詞的掌控也不難發 現,“Beta”、“VHS”、“VCR” 這幾個癥結詞貫串了第二、三段始終。以是,終極整篇文章的構造便是第一段為概念爾後兩段對概念舉行了論證。以此為基本,文章的焦點概念和詳細的睜開方法就根本清楚了。


  例1:The author of the passage mentions which of the following as an advantage of high-technology development?

  例2:The passage suggests which of the following about the majority of United States manufacturing industries before the high-technology development era of the 1980s?

  例3:The author mentions the behavior of the circulatory system of sea snakes when they are removed from the ocean primarily in order to

  假如單看這幾個題目,眾人能不克不及看出題幹所問內容的差別?大概可否看出每個題目潛伏的準確謎底應當是甚麽模樣?假如深刻剖析一下,不難發明例 1問的是文章提到了甚麽,以是準確謎底必定是文章提到過的內容,並且必定是原文原句表達過的意思,以是準確謎底必定是與原文中句子雷同意思,只不外換了一 種表達方法的選項。例2問的是文章表示了甚麽,那末準確選項必定也會和原文有關,但意思必定不會和原文完整雷同,而是原文信息的公道延長。例3看似和例1很像,都用了“mention”這個詞,然則看到末了的“in order to”的話可以發明標題所問的實際上是文章之以是提到這句話是為了幹甚麽。是以,這類題幹實質上是問句子感化,末了答復題目的準確選項必定不會是這句話本 身,而是句子暗地裏的目標。對每個題型深刻剖析,才是可以或許針對性高效探求謎底的基本。



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