
2015/06/17 瀏覽次數:6 收藏

  Shinzo Abe’s poll ratings are at their lowest since taking up his second spell in office in 2012 as the Japanese prime minister’s push for national security reforms threatens his economic programme.

  A Nippon Television poll at the weekend found support for Mr Abe at just 41 per cent, down 2.5 points on the previous month, while a Jiji poll showed a 2.2 point drop in support to 46 per cent.

  The slide in Mr Abe’s approval ratings shows the risk to his economic reforms — which investors are counting on to revive the economy — if he turns the electorate against him with unpopular constitutional changes.

  “Since Mr Abe began his second term [in 2012], he’s been doing the things he has to rather than the things he wants to,” said Masatoshi Honda, professor of political science at Kinjo University.

  That focus on economic revival and ending deflation has strong public support, but Mr Abe’s passion for reforming Japan’s pacifist constitution does not, and Mr Honda said the voters were sending the prime minister a warning.

  “Now Mr Abe is doing the things he wants to rather than the things he must and it’s creating a perception gap with the public,” he said.

  While Mr Abe’s political position is still strong, with no viable alternative leader either within his party or without, the proposed security laws brought thousands of demonstrators on to the streets of Tokyo at the weekend.

  The national security laws would enact Mr Abe’s reinterpretation of the constitution last year, allowing Japan to fight in defence of its allies. The Nippon Television poll shows 62.5 per cent of the public oppose the change.

  日本輔弼安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)鼎力履行的國度平安改造正威逼到他的經濟籌劃。受此影響,安倍的民意支撐率創下他2012年第二次擔負輔弼以來的新低。

  上周末,日本電視台(Nippon Television)睜開的民意查詢拜訪表現,安倍的支撐率只有41%,比上月降低了2.5個百分點。日本時勢通訊社(Jiji)睜開的民意查詢拜訪則表現,安倍的支撐率降低了2.2個百分點,至46%。


  金城大學(Kinjo University)政治學傳授本田雅俊(Masatoshi Honda)表現:“自(2012年)安倍開端其第二任期以來,他一向在做他不能不做的事,而不是做他想做的事。”



