
2015/07/09 瀏覽次數:5 收藏




  那些打仗過她的人都以為她自謙且異常內向。她的石友——蘇格蘭犯法作者伊恩·蘭金(Ian Rankin)曾說過,羅琳是個很寧靜內向的人。她少少接收媒體采訪,但她愛好報告本身的故事。她樹立了一個網站,向讀者公然自傳。在這些自傳中,她並無省略她人生中的那段艱苦光陰,但她只簡略描寫了下那些艱苦是若何奠基她往後的巨大造詣、和她孩子的來到和她的書籍創作的。伊恩·蘭金還記得,有一回他約請羅琳出席愛丁堡國際圖節,她婉拒了,並慷慨認可她其實不肯定她是不是能勝任出席如許的運動。



  羅琳的怙恃18歲時,在從倫敦到蘇格蘭的列車上相逢對方,並墜入愛河。一年後,他們娶親了。1965年7月31日,他們的第一個女兒喬安妮(Joanne)(即J.K.羅琳本人)出身在英國布裏斯托爾(Bristol)鄰近。仔細的粉絲大概會留意到,羅琳和她書中人物哈利·波特的誕辰雷同,都是在7月31日。羅琳在威爾士切普斯托(Chepstow)同她的妹妹一路長大,並在這裏上學。她在埃克塞特大學(Exeter University)學習法語和古典文學。她還曾因沒有定時將圖書清償給黌舍藏書樓而繳納了50磅的過時罰金。羅琳在大學時代被以為是一個愛做白天夢的人。在大學先生的印象中,羅琳老是重要不安。但是,在其他門生的印象中,羅琳是一個英俊而受迎接的人。在巴黎時代,她花了一年的時光瀏覽《雙城記》(A Tale of Two Cities),這段閱歷對她以後的人生有側重要的影響。

  “列車”在她的作品中是一個很凸起的元素,有許多龐大事宜都產生在霍格沃茨特快列車(the Hogwarts Express)上。在片子中,這是一部沿西部高地線走向(the West Highland Line)的列車。在實際生存中,這部列車穿越蘇格蘭,由威廉堡(Fort William)駛向馬萊格(Mallaig)。究竟上,《哈利·波特》每部小說的開首和末端都產生在倫敦國王十字車站(King's Cross Station)九又四分之三號站台的霍格沃茨特快列車上。霍格沃茨特快列車和其余列車分歧,由於它只靠邪術運行,並且許多人物腳色的喜怒哀樂和分歧人物腳色之間的幹系都與這部列車互相關註。哈利、赫敏和羅恩,他們最佳和最壞的籌劃都是在霍格沃茨特快上制訂的。



  羅琳的母親因高發硬化癥早逝,這使她遭到很大的襲擊。因而在1991年,她和其他一些有名的先生,如:愛爾蘭作家詹姆斯·喬伊斯(James Joyce)一路搬到葡萄牙(Portugal)。1991年,羅琳在英國衛報(The Guardian newspaper)上讀了一則告白後,就打包了本身的行李搬到波爾圖(Porto)的一個北方都會,在那邊假寓了一年半的時光。在波爾圖,羅琳任職作為一位傳授英語的外語先生,這個機構一樣平常被簡稱為TEFL。她願望那邊靈巧的教授教養時光表可以或許讓她有時光持續寫小說。在波爾圖,她碰到了她的真命皇帝——一個葡萄牙的電視記者,他們娶親而且生了孩子。年事最大的女兒叫做傑西卡(Jessica)。然則在1993年,羅琳和她的丈夫收到她妹妹的約請,分開了葡萄牙,回到了英國的愛丁堡(Edinburgh)。羅琳描寫道,那段時代的閱歷異常失敗,不但是小我的也是奇跡上的失敗(譯者註:她與丈夫仳離)。她母親的早逝不但影響了她小我的情緒,也影響了她的小說人物——哈利·波特。在葡萄牙時,羅琳修正了她的小說手稿,加倍深條理的展示了哈利和他已死去的雙親之間的情感。她篤信,在那段時光裏,她的心靈和小說都深入地體驗著滅亡的真實寄義。她說,那段時光是她人生中最艱苦的一段回想。這使得她的小說變得更有深度,是對她人生的最大誇獎。由於在那時代,她第一個女兒出身了。只管她說她在葡萄牙的那段時光很失敗,但她也以為這是為她一往無前打下了堅固的基本。


  J.K. Rowling is one of the most famous contemporary authors in the world. Her seven Harry Potter novels have sold over 450 million copies in 67 languages worldwide, which eventually spawned into a film franchise worth $21 billion. The books have been translated into a number of languages including Azerbaijani, Albanian, Vietnamese and even into Ancient Greek. With the help of a close knit group of publishers and editors, Rowling changed the face of modern literature and created a unifying story that both children and adults across the globe identify with and love deeply. Harry Potter fans have taken Rowling's beloved stories and ran away with them, creating almost 1,000 new pieces of fan fiction a week. Rowling lives in picturesque Edinburgh, Scotland with her husband and three children where she enjoys relative freedom to write and create as well as work with many charities on issues close to her heart.Here are ten things you might not know about J.K. Rowling:

  10.J.K. Rowling Is a Very Private Person

  Those who have met her describe her as slight and very introverted. Scottish crime author and close friend, Ian Rankin, has described her as being “quite quiet and very introspective.” She grants very few interviews and prefers to tell her own story. She designed her website to reveal her biography to her readers, and while she doesn't leave out the hard times in her life, she speaks only briefly about how the difficult stages in her life laid the ground for her greatest achievements, her children and her books. Ian Rankin also remembers inviting her on stage at the Edinburgh International Book Festival and Rowling graciously declining admitting that she was not sure she could get on that type of stage.

  Rowling, her agents and publishers kept her work and life very secret, especially after the Harry Potter books became a global phenomenon. Rowling estimates that most of her books were read by only seven people before they were released to bookshelves around the world. There is also a story about how the manuscript for “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” was given to her publisher who took it home with him, but he was terrified just at holding it because no one could lay eyes on it. He ended up hiding it in a safe. Very recently, a book describing the inner workings of the publishing process of the Harry Potter series shows how closely guarded the books were. Even the editor of the series worked only on a computer which had never been connected to the Internet to prevent hackers from stealing the files.

  9.J.K. Rowling's Life Has Always Been Influenced by Trains

  When her parents were 18 years old, they met on a train traveling from London to Scotland where they fell in love. They were married one year later, and on the 31st of July in 1965, their first daughter, Joanne, was born near Bristol, England. Dedicated fans will note that Rowling shares a birthday, July 31, with her character, Harry Potter. Rowling grew up with one younger sister in Chepstow, Wales where she went to school. She studied French and Classics at Exeter University where she rung up a 50 pound overdue fine at the university library. Rowling was described as a day-dreamer while she was at Exeter University, and lecturers remember her as being nervous and insecure. Other students, however, remember her as being popular and beautiful. She spent a year in Paris where she studied “A Tale of Two Cities,” which had a major impact on her.

  Trains would also feature prominently throughout her work, with major events taking place on the Hogwarts Express, a train, which in the film, is portrayed by the West Highland Line. In real life, the train journey runs through Scotland from Fort William to Mallaig. In fact, nearly every novel begins and ends with a trip on the Hogwarts Express from Platform 9 ¾ at London's King's Cross Station. The Hogwarts Express is different from other trains because it runs exclusively on magic, and many of the characters anxieties and elations are shared on this train. The Hogwarts Express has been the scene of the best and most poorly hatched plans concocted by Harry, Hermione and Ron.

  In real life, Platform 9 ¾ has become a major tourist attraction at London's King's Cross Station. The station has embraced the fans and provides an opportunity for the most dedicated to make an attempt at running through the wall. The Hogwarts Express has its own dedicated page of information of the Rowling's Pottermore website and is a very special part of the series.

  8.J.K.Rowling Was a TEFL Teacher

  Rowling, who is joined on the list by with some other famous teachers like James Joyce, the Irish novelist, moved to Portugal in 1991 after being devastated by her mother's early death from multiple sclerosis. After reading an advertisement in The Guardian newspaper in 1991, she packed her bags and moved to the northern city of Porto where she lived for a year and a half. In Porto, Rowling was a teacher of English as a foreign language, more commonly referred to by its acronym TEFL. She had hoped that the flexible teaching schedule would help her to continue to write her novel. While she was there she met a Portuguese TV journalist whom she married and had a child with, her eldest daughter, Jessica. But, in 1993, she fled Portugal and her husband, and returned to Britain, this time moving to Edinburgh on the invitation of her younger sister. Rowling describes this period of her life as an absolute failure both on a personal and professional level. The death of her mother had influenced not only her own feelings but the feelings of her character, Harry Potter. Rowling describes changing her manuscript in Portugal to reveal deeper feelings regarding Harry and his dead parents. She believes that death became much more real in both her mind and her novel during this time. She reminisces that although this period in her life was one of the most difficult, it gave greater depth to her novel and an even biggest prize, her first born daughter Jessica. Although she describes her time in Portugal as a failure, she says that it also provided a foundation for her to move forward from.

  Upon her arrival in Edinburgh, she gave up teaching and began formally writing what is now known as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.