gmat 寫作Argument開頭全能寫法

2015/07/24 瀏覽次數:56 收藏

  本日小編給考友們匯集整頓了關於gmat 寫作Argument開首萬能寫法的相幹材料,願望眾人能在逐日的進修中不段進步gmat 寫作才能,如下是文章具體內容。

  gmat 寫作Argument開首萬能寫法是gmat 寫作Argument批評構造中開首部門的具體講授,在這篇文章中會為眾人舉例樹模,信任同窗們可以或許經由過程樹模講授學到Argument開首萬能寫法的精華。


  開首:Argument + Evaluation (分段轉述+ 分段評價)

  Step 1: 分段轉述

  原題配景句:The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:

  提取可用身分:This part of an article in a daily newspaper


  “The computerized on-board warning system that will be installed in commercial airliners will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions.


  The on-board warning system is assumed to be able to address the midair plane collisions.

  … be assumed to do …


  One plane’s warning system can receive signals from another’s transponder—a radio set that signals a plane’s course—in order to determine the likelihood of a collision and recommend evasive action.”


  By signaling a plane’s course, this system could forewarn the pilot of possible collision, thereby avoiding airline crash.

  by doing … , through doing …

  warn sb. of sth.

  forewarn sb. of sth.

  SVO, thereby doing.


  As mentioned in a part of an article in a daily newspaper, the on-board warning system is assumed to be able to address the midair plane collisions. By signaling a plane’s course, this system could forewarn the pilot of possible collision, thereby avoiding airline crash.

  As done …, SVO.

  As you know, SVO.

  As known, SVO.

  Step 2: 分段評價

  As mentioned in the part of an article in a daily newspaper, the on-board warning system isassumedto be able to address the midair plane collisions. This assumptionhasgood intent, but it, in itself, may not be logically well supported.The only supportingevidence givenisthe functionthat by signaling a plane’s course, this system could forewarn pilot of possible collision, thereby avoiding airline crash. This functionhasfailed to preclude collisions causednot by the course of a plane, however.

  說話點1:diction variety

  同根詞變更assume, assumption, assumed, assuming

  非同根變更assume, infer, imply


  聯貫supported, supporting

  說話點3:adj. = doing/done




  supported conclusion 被動

  supporting evidence 自動






  As mentioned in …, … isassumedto …. This assumptionhasgood intent, but it, in itself, may not be logically well supported.The only supportingevidence givenis…. …hasfailed to preclude …, however.

  To avoid plane collisions is with no doubt a good will, so this passage has highlighted the feature of signaling the course to recommend evasive action. But the effectiveness of this computerized warning system might need more evidence to verify. In addition, as for the evidence, the data employed are remaining scattered, thereby failing to validate the whole reasoning.

  以上便是小編為眾人編寫的gmat 寫作Argument開首萬能寫法,願望通太小編的講授眾人可以或許對gmat 寫作Argument的謄寫辦法構成思緒,願望此篇文章能對眾人備考有贊助。