
2015/08/11 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  “鼓勵,便是為每一個職工供給一種尋求與到達目的的手腕,這些目的將會知足他小我的須要。跟著市場的日益常識化、家當化和科技化,企業之間、行業之間的競爭 很大水平上已演化成人材之爭,若何有用吸納與變更人材的踴躍性,已成為企業成長的主要一環。完美的鼓勵機制是企業成長的主要基本,它能加強員工對企業的歸 屬感,引發員工的自立才能,挖掘員工的發明力,增長企業的實戰才能,使企業在競爭中立於不敗之地。很少有比鼓勵更令司理們覺得興致的。鼓勵是指通太高程度的盡力實現構造目的的意願,而這類盡力以可以或許知足個別的某些須要為前提。”

  How to motivate employees.

  "What motivates good employees is the ability to see projects through to their completion. While the actual process of monitoring this flow may be the specific task of one employee—a project manager—it is important for this employee to, in turn, recognize that every employee involved in the workflow should be able to see the finished product once it is complete, and gain an understanding of his or her importance in the project as a whole. In addition, a motivating work environment must be one in which employees are treated fairly. No matter what level of input a particular worker has in relation to the business processes as a whole, it is essential for a manager to give each employee a sense of playing a dynamic, integral role in something much larger. Indeed, engendering loyalty is a key element of motivating workers and thereby increasing the overall productivity of operations."

