2015gmat 滿分作文模板句型大放送

2015/08/26 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  同窗們在網上可以看到許多gmat 滿分作文模板材料,對付模板的應用,眾口紛紜,用得好可使你的寫作大幅提分,而用得欠好生搬硬套也只會使作文看上去一模一樣。小編提示考生,作文模板雖然是進修寫作的好資料,同窗們在應用的過程當中必定要學會化模板為己用,奇妙加工,恰當應用,模板絕對是提分利器。下面小編為眾人選擇了一些經典的gmat 滿分作文模板句型,供同窗們進修參考!

  gmat 滿分作文模板句型

  1.In this argument the arguer recommends that------

  2.This recommendation is based on the result of survey that-------

  3.In addition , the arguer assumes that ---------

  4.A careful examation would reveal how groundless the conclusion is-----

  B 5.in this analysis, the arguer claims that -----

  6.to substantiate it the conclusion the arguer provides the evidence that-----

  7.besides the arguer asserts that--------

  8.this argument is unconvincing for several critical flaw----

  9.the arguer predicts that-------

  10.this prediction relies on the observation that---------

  11.At the same time, the arguer reasons that----------

  12.This argument is problematic for several reasons-------

  13.The conclusion in this argument is that in support of this conclusion the arguer

  Supplies the evidence that-------further more, the arguer infers that------

  14.While this argument has some merit(s),there are several logic flaws that deserve our attention

  15.The validity(credibility) of the survey is doubtful(questionable)

  16.The arguer fail to convince us that

  17.Granted that-----------

  gmat 滿分作文模板句型


  18.We can’t ensure that-----

  19.The arguer unfairly assumes that-----

  20.The arguer fails to take into account other factors that might lead to(result in/contribute to/exxplain/account for/be responsible for) -----

  21.The fact that indicates nothing about(does not imply that/does not ensure that)

  22.The statistical evidence cited in the argument is so vague that it does not validate the arguer’s assumption(that----)

  23.The survey on which the argument relies lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to the conclusion

  24.The arguer commits a fallacy of ----------

  gmat 滿分作文模板句型:時序性邏輯毛病


  25.In the first place-----,in the second place---------,last but not least---------

  26.To begin with ---------,In addition -----,Furthermore, the arguer fails to take into account another(several other)factor(s) that might weaken the argument.


  27.The major problem with this argument is that -------

  28.Another flaw worth discussing is that(the assumption that----)

  29.Finally it is necessary to point out -(several other minor flaws that might undermine the argument----)


  30.Another assumption short of legitimacy is that ----(unfounded/groundless/doubtful/unconvincing)

  31.The argument is based on the assumption that--------

  32.The reason that ----is open to doubt (persuasive)--should be deleted?

  33.The arguer commits a fallacy of the question in assaying(?) that--------

  34. In conclusion the arguer fails to validate/(establish) the claim----


  35. To solidify the argument, the arguer should provide more concrete information to demonstrate that-----------

  36. The arguer should rule out all the above mentioned possibilities that otherwise might undermine

  37. To sum up the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to the assumptions

  38. To make the argument more persuasive the arguer would have to provide more information concerning-------

  39. As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned and therefore----

  40. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer should demonstrate addiontionly the arguer must supply more specific evidence to validate the conclusion----

  41. In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading

  42. Before we can accept the conclusion the arguer must persent more substantial facts to prove that ---------

  43. Moreover I would suspend my judgement about the credibility of the conclusion until the arguer can present more factual evidence to rule out the possibility that I/is listed in my above analysis

  44. One reason why I agree/disagree with the title statement, is that--------

  45. Another reason that prompts me to support/oppose the title statement is that---

  46. The most important reason in favor of my position is that---------

  47. There is no denying that--------

  48.Although I agree that---------,I insist that-

  49. Many people sincerely believe that---------


  50. However, one does not have to go very fear to see that-------

  51. Another assumption in favor of---------is that-----------,but what they fail to understand is that-----------

  52. Some people may also assume that--------

  53. However careful examination would reveal that----

  54. As the saying goes-----

  55. There is much concern over the issue of------

  56. Some people claim that----while others assert that----------

  57. In the lase analysis, I would agree that-------

  58. The issue of---is very controversial one

  59. Although many people believe that -----,I would argue that-------

  60. According to the title statement --------

  61. As opposed to the commonly held view, I would insist that-------

  62. One does not have to go very far to see the truth of this argument

  63. For example ----------For instance, To illustrate--------,As an illustration-------

  64. Story/case/personal experience serves as a typical example

  65. A case in point is-------

  66. Conducted by the department of manager of Peking University (among the top 10 company in 1999)

  67. Professor --,a distinguished scholar in management said

  68. To conclude ,there is no easy solution to such a complex ====issue.However ,taking into account all the dimensions discussed in the above analysis might be the first step out of this dilemma

  69. In conclusion I believe that----not only because----,but also because-----

  70. In conclusion ,while some people may remain unconvinced by my argument ,the reasons I have analyzed so far should at least make them aware of the complexties of the issue under discussion

  gmat 滿分作文模板句型

  gmat寫作Issue 6分模板

  (用反問的情勢把標題復述一下)To some extent, I agree with the author‘s general assertion that if ...(在作者的概念上再加點前提,有保存的贊同). However, the author unnecessarily extents this broad of assertion to an irreversible extreme(弗成逆的極度) while overlooks other compelling factors that may affect this issue. On balance, my points of agreement and contention with the author involve the fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.

  On the one hand, I would like to admit that this statement, although suffers from some obvious drawbacks, has some merits primarily in some special cases in which the implicit rationale behind it accords with common sense and our experience in daily life. Hence, it is partially indisputable. After all, …..Even if, In other words.

  Furthermore, . All these evidence demonstrates beyond any doubt that_____.


  On the other hand, recognizing that a more applicable choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out that the author overstates ______’s comparative significance, and fail to take into account other essential factors. In short, this assertion is problematic in two aspects. The first argument —the one that I think the most compelling— is that the author overlooked , that is to say, . The second argument —it might have been noticed by others-- is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to . Accordingly, I tend to concede that when it comes to some certain circumstances it is partially appropriate


  In conclusion, issue of ____________is a complex one, requiring subjective judgment; consequently, there are no easy or certain answers. So different are the personal experiences and emotional concerns among people with diverse culture that thousand individuals might hold thousand opinions. According to me, 把你開首的概念copy/paste上去.

  In conclusion, issue of …is a complex one, requiring subjective judgment. Consequently, there are no easy certain answers. So different are the personal experiences and emotional concerns among people with diverse culture that thousand individuals might hold thousand opinions. According to me, …
