
2015/09/07 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

  托福中的function題型常常以Why does A say this? What does A mean when A says this: 的情勢湧現。要想辦理好此類標題, 須要考生對各類分歧情境的白話表達查對歸類,並掌控其腔調變更。好比:

  1. 想要引誘門生答復題目,大概會說:Come on, we’ve already dealt with this point last class. come on 平日在引誘別人行為時應用, Go ahead, I’m listening 的表達方法也經常使用在此情境中。

  2. 課本中防備跑題時,大概會說: I don’t want to get too far off topic here./ We’ve got a lot to get through today and only limited time.

  3. 從新回到話題,Getting back to what I was saying.

  4. 確認門生是不是懂得: I don’t need to explain the difference between them, do I? Are you with me?

  5. 勉勵門生: The thing is, you are the expert on this issue.
