
2015/06/03 瀏覽次數:9 收藏


  SAT dateType of emigrationTheme

  2014. 01Italian AmericanVisiting Rome

  2013.05Chinese AmericanFamily History

  2013.10African AmericanChildhood in the African American Community

  2013.01Japanese AmericanRole of white rice

  2012. 10Dominicadaughter

  2012.05Hispanic AmericanChildhood gift

  2011.05African AmericanListen to the concert

  2010.01African AmericanTravel to Africa

  2009.10Indian AmericanNaming changing

  2009.05African AmericanReading experience

  2008.10Chinese CanadianOpen restaurant

  2008.01Asian AmericanTV programming

  2007.10African AmericanRole of photography

  2007.05African AmericanGo to library

  2007.01Puerto Rico Jump the rope

  2006.10African American

  Relationship between Black Americans and Black Africans

  經由過程以上表格中從06年-14年近10年的文章回想,眾人會發如今一年6場的SAT測驗中,每一年都考到了移民話題,而且07年和13年整年各考了三次。依照如許的湧現頻率,移民話題應當不容小覷。別的,筆者研討發明,對付移民話題的考核並非沒有紀律可循的,經由過程上表中的色板表現(同色的為來自統一個地域):考核至多的是來自非洲的移民(African Americans),其次是亞洲移民(主如果來自China, Japan, India),末了是歐洲移民(重要考核Dominica, Puerto Rico和Italy)。針對詳細的考核內容,筆者也發明有必定的紀律,可以總結為如下幾點:


  移民到了一個新的國度對付移民者來講在文化上碰到辯論無獨有偶,然則作為一個大熔爐(melting pot)式的移民國度,美國願望借用SAT測驗向環球考生轉達“融會”的主要性(The cartoon helps me envision a solution that bridges differences and conceive of a new packaging of culture, one not American nor Japanese but a fusion of the two 引自2013年1月SAT測驗有關日本移民的論述)。是以,移民文章傍邊表現的辯論只是臨時的,融會才是永遠。細心剖析辯論的表現方法可以體如今如下幾個方面:



  She spoke each word with such clarity that I was certain a foreigner who didn’t understand English could have understood her. (引自2013年10月SAT測驗:有關非洲移民)

  But my father and uncle still spoke the same halting English. My mother spoke only a few words. I began to translate conversations they had with the customers, switching between English and Chinese. (2008年10月SAT測驗:有關亞洲移民)



  They liked to assess for us kids the looks, ethnicity, demeanor, intelligence and other vital signs of the real Asian a commentary they delivered in a manner as succinct and passionate as that of a sports announcer.(2008年1月SAT測驗:有關亞洲移民)

  2.Personal identity小我身份的迷失 (traditional identity → current identity)

  這裏舉一個如許的例子來解釋移民者們身份的喪失應當異常適當:在美國出身的ABC常常被人們稱為“banana”,緣故原由也便是他們的外表是黃種人,但其思惟已被白人夾雜了,與香蕉外黃內白的特色異常符合。ETS實在異常抵觸,它一方面願望經由過程SAT測驗號令移民者們盡快融入新的情況文化傍邊,但同時又熱切號令移民者們不要忘卻本身的母體文化,也便是探求喪失的Personal identity。

  下面一段筆墨是來自於2010年1月份的SAT測驗,文章評論辯論一個African American writer traveling to Africa for the first time,回到本身的故土非洲,按理說應當感到異常親熱,然則文章裏卻湧現了如許的一段描寫:

  All the eyes are brown, a deep rich and dark brown, eyes that speak to me but in a language I do not understand. Every woman sneaks a glance; every man stares. I am more than stranger, I am also strange. 文中主人公對故土異常生疏,乃至已忘卻了故土的說話,而同時家鄉的人們也對主人公異常好奇。因而乎,作為一個移民者,他的傳統身份已完整喪失。

  而在另一篇2006年10月份的SAT測驗中,文章評論辯論了一個African American就the historical relationship between Black Americans and Black Africans揭櫫了本身的概念:

  A Kikongo proverb states, “A tree cannot stand without its roots.”Another Kikongo proverb reminds us that “one can only steal a sleeping baby: once awake, she will look for her parents.”This is a maxim that conveys the seemingly instinctive pull of one’s heritage, our inborn curiosity in our origins, the quest we all share for self-identification and self-knowledge. 文章用了兩個諺語來凸顯非洲的母體文化對付非洲移民者們的主要性。
