
2016/07/06 瀏覽次數:137 收藏



  資料:The Official SAT Study Guide




  Questions 11-20 are based on the following passage and supplementary material. This passage is adapted from Taras Grescoe, Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves from the Automobile. ©2012 by Taras Grescoe.

  It doesn’t have to be like this. Done right, public transport can be faster, more comfortable, and cheaper than the private automobile. In Shanghai, German-made magnetic levitation trains skim over elevated tracks at 266 miles an hour, whisking people to the airport at a third of the speed of sound. In provincial French towns, electric-powered streetcars run silently on rubber tires, sliding through narrow streets along a single guide rail set into cobblestones. From Spain to Sweden, Wi-Fi equipped high-speed trains seamlessly connect with highly ramified metro networks, allowing commuters to work on laptops as they prepare for same-day meetings in once distant capital cities. In Latin America, China, and India, working people board fast-loading buses that move like subway trains along dedicated busways, leaving the sedans and SUVs of the rich mired in dawn-to-dusk traffic jams. And some cities have transformed their streets into cycle-path freeways, making giant strides in public health and safety and the sheer livability of their neighborhoods—in the process turning the workaday bicycle into a viable form of mass transit.

  14. The central idea of the fourth paragraph (lines 35-57) is that

  A) European countries excel at public transportation.

  B) some public transportation systems are superior to travel by private automobile.

  C) Americans should mimic foreign public transportation systems when possible.

  D) much international public transportation is engineered for passengers to work while on board.


  謎底剖析: 本題問的是第四段 (lines 35-57) 的中間思惟。依據中間題的解答技能,咱們要特殊存眷段落開首和末端。本段開首提到 “It doesn’t have to be like this.” 明顯是對上文內容的否認,然後lines 35-37開門見的指出 “Done right, public transport can be faster, more comfortable, and cheaper than the private automobile.” 即:應用準確的話,大眾交通比私人汽車更快、更安寧、更廉價,背面給出了許多例子來支持這個概念。是以,謎底為B選項。A、B、C選項的毛病都在於僅供給了細節信息,並不克不及涵蓋本段的中間思惟。


  done right: 應用適合

  magnetic levitation train: 磁懸浮列車

  skim over: 擦過,滑過;閱讀

  elevated track: 高架軌道

  streetcar: ['striːtkɑː] n. 有軌電車

  seamlessly: ['si:mlisli] adv. 無縫地

  commuter: [kə'mjuːtə(r)] n. 通勤者,常常乘大眾車輛來回者;月季票搭客




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