美國高中留學申請 面試問題早知道

2015/09/11 瀏覽次數:6 收藏


  先容本身(please introduce yourself?)

  先容一下你的怙恃(Tell me some informationabout your parents?)

  你愛好孩子和小動物嗎?(Do you like children orsmall animals?)

  你愛好瀏覽嗎?你最愛好的作者是誰?(Do you likereading? Who is your favorite author?)

  你最愛好的活動是甚麽?(what is your favoritesports?)

  你會加入咱們黌舍甚麽樣的俱樂部?(What kinds of clubwill you attend in our school?)

  你玩樂器嗎?(Do you play any musicalinstruments?)

  你加入過哪些課外運動?(What activities do youparticipate in outside of school?)

  你獲得的最大成便是甚麽?(What is your greatestacademic accomplishment?)

  為何要選取留學/咱們黌舍?(Why do you like tostudy in America?/ why do you like to study in our school?)

  你最愛好哪門學科?為何?Which is yourmost/least favorite subject and why?

  你認為你的同夥會若何描寫你?(What do you thinkyour friends will describe about you?)

  你接下來十年的計劃?(What will you do afterten years?)