
2015/09/15 瀏覽次數:7 收藏



  同位語是用來對名詞大概是名詞代詞作進一步的說明,一樣平常說來它有單詞、短語和從句三種情勢。同位語從句是名詞從句的一種,置於某些名詞以後,如fact, doubt, idea, news, hope, indication, decision, possibility, assumption, suggestion, question等等。這類從句一般為由that引誘的,偶然也會用到如what, why, whether, when等來引誘。

  同位語從句和定語從句在句子構造上有必定的類似,輕易令人混雜.要留意在同位語從句中that, what, who等銜接代(副)詞在句中其實不充任句子身分。


  The word radar, coined as a code name in World War II, was derived from the phrase Radio Detection And Ranging.這句話的中辭意思是radar(雷達)這個詞,是第二次天下大戰時代作為一個代號而造出來的,是Radio Detection And Ranging(無線電探測和定位)這個詞組的縮寫。本句的radar是word的同位語。同位語經常表現本位語的另外一種說法,指出本位語的詳細內容大概枚舉、凸起本位語的一部門內容。同位語一樣平常置於本位語以後,可以不消標點標記離隔,也能夠用逗號、冒號或破折號離隔,比方:The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.這裏thought就和它的由that引誘的同位語從句被謂語部門came to him所朋分。

  There is a growing realization that had Saddam Hussein focused his missile-development programs on this sort of hardware rather than developing the Scud, Desert Storm could have seen targets in Saudi Arabia and Israel bombarded by weapons whose miss distance might have been measured in terms of tens or hundreds of meters rather than kilometers.

  句子剖析:這個句子的骨幹部門非常簡短,即There is a growing realization. That引誘的是假造的關於realization的同位語從句,而且在這個從句中另有一個whose引誘的定語從句用於潤飾weapons。

  句子翻譯:如今人們愈來愈熟悉到,假如沙達姆 .侯賽因當初將其導彈成長籌劃會合在這類硬件而不是成長“飛毛腿”導彈,那末“戈壁風暴”行為中,轟炸沙特阿拉伯和以色列的導彈發射的偏差間隔生怕就不會以公裏而因此幾十或幾百米測算了。


  分詞平日有如今分詞和曩昔分詞兩種,他們在文中,不但可以作為形用詞,並且還能像副詞短語那樣,解釋動詞或表達某個整句要表達的觀點。比方:Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimp die as the last of the water evaporates.然後,在確保其物種能生計下去以後,蝦子就會跟著末了一點水蒸發掉而死去。這個句子的having ensured that their species will survive相稱於when大概是after,即分詞短語可以用來做表現時光的狀語部門。又如:Used economically, one bottle of kerosene will last for at least one month.用的節儉的話,一瓶石油最少可以用一個月。這時候的分詞又可以用來表現前提和緣故原由。再如:Granting the achievement to be GREat, there is still something to be desired.縱然成便是偉大的,仍有一些有待改良之處。這時候可見分詞短語在這裏又可以表現妥協。別的分詞做狀語還可以表現隨同等情形。


  1)分詞的邏輯主語必需與主句的主語同等,假如不同等,要用自力主格構造。如:All the money having been spent, they had to look for a part-time job.錢花光以後,他們不能不找零活幹。


  如:With oil expected to be scarce by the end of the century, the European Community has set aside 36 million dollars for hydrogen research over the past four years.預期本世紀末煤油將緊缺,在曩昔四年裏,歐洲配合體已貯備了3,600萬美元舉行氫氣的研討事情。

  Then, maneuvering that iron stove through that doorway, with another mighty grunt Pete just heaved it forward and outward, and it smashed down against her little grassy-patched dirt back yard, the sounds of the crash and the iron cracking open sending her little spotted feist dog and her few any-breed chichens all yelping and squawking and flying.

  句子剖析:maneuvering that iron stove through that doorway是如今分詞短語作狀語,表現時光。the iron cracking open是自力分詞構造,而sending her little spotted feist dog and her few any-breed chichens all yelping and squawking and flying的sending是分詞自力構造,爾後面的三個如今分詞是作為賓語spotted feist dog and her few any-breed chichens的賓語補語。

