
2015/10/14 瀏覽次數:2 收藏

  跟著2016版GMAT官方指南的宣布,GMAT句子改錯也湧現了新的標題供眾人參考。小編在此與眾人分享新GMAT OG句子改錯的新標題,願望對列位備考GMAT SC標題有所贊助。

  28.With corn, soybean, and wheat reserves being low enough so a poor harvest would send prices skyrocketing, grain futures brokers and their clients are especially interested in weather that could affect crops.

  (A) being low enough so

  (B) so low such that

  (C) so low that

  (D) that are low enough so

  (E) that are so low such that