
2015/11/09 瀏覽次數:12 收藏


  Task 1

  If a foreigner is going totravel in your city, what will you recommend him to take?

  Sample: If a foreignfriend is coming to my city for travelling, the first thing I would like tosuggest him to take is a Chinese dictionary because it is really possible thathe will meet communication problems. After all, he is a foreigner, so it’scommon that the local people can’t understand what he is trying to express. Forexample, when he wants to order food in a restaurant, he may have troublespeaking out the certain names of the dishes that he wants. Another usefulthing for him to take is an electronic map for my city. Since he is unfamiliarwith this place, maybe he will get lost when he is finding the museum or hotel.But with the help of the map, he can easily check the destination that he isgoing to. The map will also give him some information of the transportation hecan choose.


  Task 2

  When you write a research paper, do you prefer tolet your professors choose the topic for you or choose the topic by your own?

  Sample:I would like to decide the topic for my paper. First, the topic that I choosecan bring me more interest in writing this paper. I mean, the research areaassigned by my professor may not be suitable to me. Then I will have lessmotivation to do that. But if I’m working on the issue that I like, I willactively accomplish this task. More importantly, if I select my own topic, itwill help to get higher mark. Since I clearly know what type of subject I’mgood at, I will be more likely to finish a high quality paper. But if I’munfamiliar with that field, I will easily meet problems like I can’t collectenough data to support my idea or I will fail in searching relevantinformation. In that way, I may get low grade.

  剖析:寫論文或測驗有兩個經常使用角度1)獲得高分 2)學到更多(測驗目標便是為了檢測是不是學到常識),這邊給出本身選topic的論點,斟酌角度穩定;其次,寫paper常用處景是查材料(藏書樓,收集等資本)

  Task 3

  發起create a musician web

  1. 可讓愛好玩音樂的人集合在一路

  2. 可以宣揚音樂會和其他音樂相幹運動


  1. 本身是玩吉他的,前段時光找鼓手沒找到,如果有這類網站鼓手更好找。

  2. 音樂會來的人少,假如有了宣揚應當更多的人來音樂會。

  Task 4

  術語:signal redundancy動物可以用不止一種方法通報旌旗燈號

  例子:deer在感遭到lion進擊的時刻擡尾巴告知錯誤run away immediately,然則有的鹿behind trees,eating,looking on the ground有大概看不見,以是它們還會發出noise來告知它們快逃跑。

  Task 5


  1. 廢棄競賽,好得快,但很惋惜

  2. 持續競賽,然則必定要冰敷,並且好得慢

  Task 6

  2 advantages for early humanto take use of fire

  1. 更好制造stone tools,使得他們sharper and stronger

  舉例:高溫加熱可以shape them into pieces,變得堅固,更好捕獵

  2. good for diet,把plant等vegetable煮熟來吃,更軟卡路裏更高

